in iesous •  last year  (edited)


Which one is which, who is the historical king and what was his message of Christ within?

First, historical Jesus (English) was Caesarion (Roman) son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar, his Egyptian name is Issa, which means son of Isis, the title of his mother. The 1611 King James bible is referring to Jesus as Iesous as it is in the Greek version of the New Testament, which is older than the Hebrew and Vulgate translations.

In Russian it is also Issus, while the Christ is an epithet which means annointed (oil) aka king and is actually reference to the "Christ" oil-like substance metamorphosis in the brain and the spine, as it is travelling down and up thus descending and ascending in regular cycles just like the Sun after which the exoteric narrative of Christ was modeled. The Good News is the Christ and Kingdom of Heaven is within.

As for Yeshua (ben Pandera) as it appears in the Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical writings, where Issa instead of being first born of god Caesar and goddess Cleopatra, of Ptolemaic dynasty, is portrayed as illegitimate child from a brief encounter with a Roman soldier, captain of sorts, Pandera, implying Cleopatra's sexual promiscuity. Yasha is Hebrew for to save, rescue, deliver, thus Yeshua is yet another epithet of Issa Caesarion as the saviour, rescuer, deliverer, not an actual name.

The enemies of historical Jesus are the Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostates, the money changers, whom he threw out of the Temple consecrated to the God of Abraham not the idol Demiurge worship started by Moses, hence lies the heresy.

In Talmud the Rabbis wrote that Yeshua is in hell boiling in putrid filth. The last thing Jesus would want is for his message and name to be delivered by his mortal enemies aka Seduches and Pharisees of Satanic Babylonian cult.


Yeshua means a savior, it is an epithet not a name. The earliest scriptures refer to Jesus as Iesous which comes from Issa not Yeshua, an epithet givine to him by the Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Jews in spite of Jesus's actual teachings of ascention to Christ Consciousness present within all people who choose to follow this ancient wisdom, turning Jesus into some form of a false Savior of all generations modeled after the Sun worship.

Yahuah is not even Hebrew. Yahw is ancient Egyptian for light and is the actual meaning of tetragrammaton Yod Hey Vov Hey first referred to in Genesis 2:4 and is translated to English as Lord God aka Yahweh aka Jehovah, the wrathful Demiurge Lord God of Moses not to be confused with the Creator God of Abraham, the Most High, who is often confused as the Elohim, his children.

Institutionalized Christianity is the Roman fable to promote the same worship of Jehovah Lord God of Moses and to distort the Good News that historical Issa was teaching, including that of his name, life, and death. In the occult sense the INRI sign signifies the basic elements of earth, water, air, and fire. His identity was mirrored with the popular Solar cults of Mithraism and his Father as the wrathful Demiurge Jehovah of the OT Moseretic heresy started by Moses, historical king Akhenaten of the ill fated 18th dynasty.

While Caesarion had lost his Egyptian and Roman empires as well as his parents, he was sharing with the common people the secrets of ancient wisdom about our human origins and destiny being initiated into the mysteries himself, thus contradicting the status quo narrative causing the subsequent absorption and neutralization of Nazarene Christians along with their dangerous to the established order esoteric mysteries by the Roman empire spearheaded by the Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostates no doubt, Judaism being second most popular religion in Rome after their Pantheon, under Emperor Constantine.

Even then, after translating many books they have settled for 80 of them, the number of the authorized KJV of 1611 only to eventually remove 14 of the Apocrypha section, replacing the name of Iesous with that of Jesus along the way. Stupid Yehoshua whatever it is spelled is Talmudic Rabbinical mindfuck that is all, selling Jesus as some Savior for all and all ages.

The Christ within is what historical Issa was referring not himself as some bottleneck for all to go through. You got to be an idiot to beLIEve the official narrative and that is exactly what the powers controlling it want, a bunch of ignorant obedient sheep ready to sacrifice themselves for their masters. John 8:32, Psalms 82:6, Genesis 1:27, etc. Judge a tree by its fruit and theirs is rotten to the core.

I hope I have cleared some of the confusion about this old controversy which is rather banal and does not present us with any significant spiritual insites. However, may the truth be known in all its glory details. Peace.

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