in ifiwasadolphin •  6 years ago  (edited)


Prepared for @conradt giveaway - What would you do if you were a dolphin?

Naturally, when I awake to find I have 10K SP at my disposal, I would pinch myself. Not, once...but two or three times - to be certain! But to my surprise – IT’S ALL REAL!!! Cool, let’s bounce with this.

Right, let’s check out my new fire power... Currently, one up-vote equals 1,52 USD at 100% VP - HOLY POLONY! That’s some serious dough! I don’t even make that in a month (if I don’t show Minnowbooster some love with scrapes of SBD!)

Let’s do a quick check at 80% VP – a vote work out to about 1,21 USD, ok cool!



I would delegate 2000 SP to ASAPERS, a community I belong to so they can continue their great work, curating works of writers producing great content.


Assuming, I would never drop my VP to below 80% in a day...I would need five 100% self up-votes (which equals 1,21 USD, since I’ve delegated 20% away).

WHY? ...Cos a dolphin needs to live and invest if he is to remain a healthy dolphin!

1,21 X 5 up-votes = 6,05 USD / day X 30 days = 181,5 USD
50% = 90,75 USD goes straight to more SP

WHY?... - Cos every month from now on everyone gets a pro-rata increase, baby!

Now, 90,75 USD will accumulate in my wallet the first month... -

With the first half, 50% = 90,75 USD

I would sponsor SBI each month...
45,37 / 2,3 = 39,45 = 20 SBI’s +/- 5 SBI’s per week!

The balance will be pocket change = 45,37 USD

WHY? - Go to step 3 to find out...


I would have five OR Six 100% votes left each day! At 50% VP they are worth about 0,50 - 0,60 USD – With this I could curate 10 post each day. I would do this from a new beach side restaurant every other day; paid for with my Steemit pocket change!

WHY?...Cos curating makes me thirsty!


Image: Wikimedia Commons
Poetry Rights Reserved

Wishing You - Love, Light and Peace

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I never thought of what I’d do with that much SP. I assume keep doing what I’m doing and delegate most of it to people or communities that could use it.
And afterwards, I would probably join you for a beer... or two ;0)

...and you're doing a sterling job indeed!

Well, any excuse for a beer break, Hha!

Very nice plan. I would probably start laughing thinking it was a joke. Then pinch myself to make sure it was real.


It's a fair distance to go to get there, lol!
I wish the dream wasn't over - he he he!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@whitelite you never know.... I have heard of some whales doing something similar. Some do pay attention to what is going on and silently help where they can. This is a dream we realistically know it won't happen, but would be awesome if it did.

Firstly, thank-you so much for elevating my post to greeters guild, that was awesome :)

Mmmm, I'm eagerly waiting for a smiling whale! Hha!

You're very welcome. Try to help where I can. You've got a great personality and great posts too..so who more deserving!

Thank-you for your kind words. I do appreciate your efforts, and the love!

@whitelite You are most welcome 😀

Congratulations, you have been featured in the Steemit Greeters Curation Spotlight!

We hope for this to be motivation for you to continue with the amazing work. Always remember that there are people on Steemit that want to see YOU succeed. Please click here to read the post.

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Thank you @greetersguild for the honour. I overwhelmed by the recognition.

I'll be over to view the post...