RE: Last Call for Participation in the IGNIS ICO Airdrop & Segwit2X Airdrop

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Last Call for Participation in the IGNIS ICO Airdrop & Segwit2X Airdrop

in ignis •  7 years ago 

Thanks for the info. Is it not too late for the airdrop.

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No its not late to participate, don't buy on bittrex but buy on hitbtc. I am not interested in the bitcoin segwit2x fork. There are too many forks for bitcoin that it is too confusing to choose among them. BTW the gains on participating on Bitcoin fork is very much less compared to the IGNIS. In bitcoin the gains is almost 1:0.15 whereas in IGNIS it is almost 1:3.5. Good luck and don't invest more that you can afford to lose on these stuffs.

thanks for elaborating