In Martinique, the Green Iguana was introduced by man.
The Lesser Antillean Iguana is the native Iguana to Martinique and is endangered and it is the Green Iguana that competes for the same food that the Lesser Antillean Iguana eats and so makes its survival even more difficult. Sorry, I don't have a picture of the Lesser Antillean Iguana.
The green iguana, also known as the American iguana, is a large, arboreal, mostly herbivorous species of lizard of the genus Iguana. It is native to Central, South America, and the Caribbean. Usually, this animal is simply called the iguana. - Wikipedia
Scientific name: Iguana iguana
Clutch size: 20 – 71
Length: 30 – 42 cm
Rank: Species
Mass: Male: 4 kg (Adult), Female: 1.2 – 3 kg (Adult)
Did you know: Green Iguanas are excellent swimmers and will dive into the water to avoid predators.-
Location: Martinique
Photo: Bryan Bracken