What is LinkedIn Algorithm and How to Beat it?

in ilink •  5 years ago 

When it comes to social media, what do we mean by an algorithm? Well, in the social media sphere, an algorithm refers to the way posts are sorted in your feed. In fact, every platform prioritizes some posts in a certain way to make sure they get more social signals, including more likes, comments, views, shares, etc.

Each social media has its own logic in delivering contents to users. You need to know about these algorithms if you are using social media for marketing purposes. The information will help your brand or business get noticed and receive better engagement. Whether you like it or not, your reach is controlled by these algorithms, and you should know how to beat them to generate more leads and boost sales. 

 To beat LinkedIn algorithm, post often at irregular intervals 

 LinkedIn has its own algorithm, just like any other social media platform. On LinkedIn, your content is more likely to emerge on top of the users’ feeds if it has received better engagement over recent days or weeks and it suits your connections’ tastes regardless of when it was published. This social network has the strategy to keep our homepage relevant and user-friendly.

How to beat the LinkedIn algorithm

1.Post often but at irregular intervals

It’s hard to figure out the perfect publishing frequency for your LinkedIn page. However, it is advised not to post too infrequently to make your audience forget about. On the other hand, overcrowding the feeds of your connections with your contents may frustrate them and make them hide your posts. You need to have a wise constant presence by posting at least twice and no more than six times within a week.

Another point that I should mention here is that you should not make yourself look like a bot by always posting at the same time. Try to do it at irregular intervals.

2.Post high-quality contents

LinkedIn has bots which check the credibility of your contents by marking them as “clear”, “low-quality”, or “spam”. You always want your content to fall into the ‘clear’ category. However, if it is labeled as “low-quality”, you still have the chance of moving on to the next stages in the future.

Your content is considered spam when users report it because it is inappropriate, offensive, or irrelevant. If your content passes the spam filter stage, the bots will show it to a small audience to gauge their reaction. Once it receives a lot of likes and comments, it will appear and stay on top of the users’ feeds. If the reaction is not impressive enough, the content will fall into the bottom, and you have to rework it.

To better evaluate your performance of content marketing, use Content Marketing Score or CMS provided by LinkedIn. CMS measures the effectiveness of your paid or organic contents as below.

How Content Marketing Score (CMS) is measured on LinkedIn (https://bn.co)

CMS also tell you how you can increase your reach and engagement rate and so improve your score. You can filter your score by region, seniority, company size, job function, and industry.

It is said that different actions made by your connections have different weights in the LinkedIn algorithm. A share has more points than a comment and a comment more than a like. Improve the score of your content and get better engagement by thinking more before writing. Afterward, LinkedIn bots will send your content to more people if it is performing well enough and will keep showing it up, no matter how many days have passed from its publishing time.

3. Build your Audience Strategically

Your connections largely influence the quality of your LinkedIn profile, whether you run a personal account or a public one. So, make sure to build powerful relationships with them and not getting them to hide your contents or flag them as spams.

Quality connections can strengthen your LinkedIn profile

If you have a company page, encourage your employees to announce they are working there in their profile. What is more, increase your visibility by hosting or participating in LinkedIn Groups, joining conversations, and exchanging recommendations. Sharing others’ posts can also be to your advantage in attracting more connections.

Wrap it up

Social media algorithms are an ever-evolving trend, and you have no choice but to adapt yourself to them in your social media marketing journey. Beat them by getting in front of the story, targeting your audience strategically, optimizing your contents, and increasing engagement. And always keep yourself up-to-date and adjust your strategy when the next changes in the LinkedIn algorithm occur. 

Source: < https://il.ink/blog/tips/what-is-linkedin-algorithm-and-how-to-beat-it/ >

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