What is the best time to tweet(June 2019)?

in ilink •  5 years ago 

Being one of the top users with a considerable number of followers is the thing that all the people want to catch, these enthusiasms will be double if you’re going to promote one business, so you should put lots of effort and knowledge to be the top…

What is the best time to tweet?

The first thing you need to know is the reason, why you choose Twitter? There are a lot of new platforms, even more popular than Twitter, but there are also people who prefer Twitter. Why? Here are some tips that will make it clear for you. Maybe you will be the next fan, too. So please pay attention to the list below to know it better…

  • Supportive third-party tools
  • Quick access analytics and monitoring for brands
  • Powerful customer service
  • Real-time search engine
  • Searchable conversation
  • More controllable timeline

There are lots of factors that would help you to make a splash:

  • Time to post
  • What to post
  • Your target audience
  • Your location
  • Especial events and days
  • Unexpected events in society

There are many sources to help you find the best time to post on different social media platforms, it may have some useful information but it would be better if you try your own Twitter analytics, which will give you the information that is specific and only for you.

The Twitter analytics page is one of the most helpful tools that will give you all you need about your page and your users for free; you should do some research and find out how to use Twitter. Now, it’s time to test your activity by choosing the right time to post, but how? One of the ways that you can test, is to share your post in different hours during the day, and a day contains three central part morning, afternoon, and night.

Choose the exact time in these three periods of time, then test it for one week. Then you will find out which time is more valuable than others, So you can change your time to post, after passing one month you will have a complete test. You may wonder what the benefit is? You can understand your average engagement for each post.

The time you choose to post in these three parts of the day is also essential, so have a planned time schedule, some factors will help you to get the correct time.

  • Whom you interact with: the age and gender of your audience are so useful.
  • Users free time: you can find out this item by checking their activity.
  • Twitter’s peak time: Twitter, same as other social media platforms has peak hours which will give you the chance to open up your posts for more engagement (retweets, replies and follows).

Here is some information about Twitter’s peak time that would help your engagement rate. According to powerful analytic tools and pages, the best times of day to post on Twitter are between 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. as I research more about day and time; Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 AM are the best time to post and Wednesday and Tuesday are the best day to post on twitter. There also some information about the safest time to post (Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.) may these times be useful for you but you can make difference and explore different hours by analyzing people’s routine life. think about this question. what is the best time that many people want to check out their cyberspace?

If we ignore special situations the majority of people check their social media platforms in the morning when they wake up or when they are on their way to work, the next time is their lunchtime in the noon. So the next time will be when they are on their way back to home, and the last time can be their sleeping time when they are on the bed…

This is the general, suitable time to post on twitter, but we can be more specific and divide it into some main parts.

The best time to post on Twitter for:

Final goods

This diagram gives you some helpful information about the highest and lowest final goods
engagement days and hours on twitter.

If you are a part of Twitter, you can feel that it’s one of the best platforms to run your business, because people are still active during the weekend rather than falling off. It means that users are online to answer and help others about goods and complete their shopping process. now take a look at the peak times for consumer goods to post

Sunday 11:00a.m.

Saturday 3:00p.m.

Wednesday 1:00p.m.

✍🏻 The lowest engagement time is between 10:00 p.m_6:00 a.m, and the lowest engagement day is Friday.


This diagram gives you some helpful information about the highest and lowest media
engagement days and hours on twitter.

Twitter became an excellent launch pad for writers, specialists, actors, and …. To share their ideas. These ideas may stay for hours or days on this platform, and people eagerly follow them, so this can be the other kind of peak time for Twitter users. Here is the best time for media companies to postThursday 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Thursday 4-8 p.m. 

Friday 7-11a.m.

✍🏻 The lowest engagement day on Twitter is Saturday.


This diagram gives you some helpful information about the highest and lowest nonprofit
engagement days and hours on twitter.

Social media platforms prepare a suitable atmosphere for nonprofits to make their community on Twitter and start their business by interacting with audiences. Share posts and retweet their posts to catch a high level of engagement. These are the key times for nonprofits.

Wednesday 7:00 a.m. and 6-4 p.m.

Tuesday to Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

✍🏻 The least engagement days are Saturday and Sunday.it is also about every day between 10 p.m. – 4 a.m. 


This diagram gives you some helpful information about the highest and lowest technology engagement days and hours on Twitter.

You cannot even think about separating social media and technology. Technology is getting more and more involved with these popular platforms such as Twitter. Businesspeople and the whole tech industry are consistently active on Twitter. They promote their brands and interact with their audience and competitors. The best times for tech companies are:

Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.

Wednesday 8-10 a.m.

Tuesday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

✍🏻 The least engagement times are from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. every day, and the least engagement days are Saturday and Sunday.

To Sum Up

The matter of time is not deniable for anyone. Moreover, all social media platforms have their own peak times. However, if you don’t choose suitable content and hashtags you won’t get the best result .so all the factors together will make your business and activity successful the lack of each one of them won’t let you find your own position. 

Source: < https://il.ink/blog/social-media/what-is-the-best-time-to-tweet/ >

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