How did this issue of Undocumented folks get started?

in illegal •  8 years ago 

Are You Ready To Drop The Mass Brainwashing? Hear the unthinkable and take it in so that you can exam it? See Ideas and propaganda for what they are and be a realist? Have the courage so see what went wrong and stand up for a correct change?

Who is responsible?
Who has benefited?
Who has suffered?
What is the solution so that those responsible are stop?
Can this disaster become an to asset?

How do we solve the issue of “undocumented folks” with a solution is just, humanitarian and beneficial to the Good Old US of A?
We warned year ago? Remember Russ Perot who ran for President against Bush and Clinton in 1992? Mr. Perot said… “there will be a GREAT Sucking Sound going South” Mr. Perot was talking about The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade known as GATT and North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA.
Russ Pero was right!
There was a great sucking sound of a Sumani Wave which was about to hit us from the South moving North?

November 1990 - VOLUME 11 - NUMBER
Trading Away the Family Farm
GATT and Agriculture
by Mark Ritchie
Most of the United State’s largest newspapers have spent the first four years of the GATT negotiations simply presenting government news releases. As we enter the final stage of the Uruguay Round, many of these newspapers have turned their editorial pages over to the Bush administration, which is desperately trying to convince the American people to back its attempt to use GATT to impose its deregulation agenda on a global scale.
The most ironic of the editorials argue that we need GATT-imposed global deregulation to "save" the various sectors of our economy which have been ravaged by the last decade of domestic deregulation, including the savings and loans, banks, airlines, insurance companies and the farm economy. Much like the "barbers" of the 18th century who would lance blood repeatedly from sick people in an attempt to heal them, some editorial writers, most notably in the Washington Post, New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal, now recommend a second deregulatory "treatment," this time on a global scale, since the first bloodletting did not seem to work.
Corruption, economic devastation and degradation of the environment have been the three most important results of domestic deregulation. If we allow the multinational corporations to push global deregulation through during
this round of GATT talks, we can fully expect the same disruptions and dangers, but on a worldwide and more comprehensive scale. Click the link for the full Article.

Illegal Immigration and NAFTA
February 05, 2011 Dustin Ensinger
One of the largely overlooked aspects of the North American Free Trade Agreement is the fact that the failed trade pact has been the catalyst for the massive increase in illegal immigration over the past two decades or so.
An influx of highly subsidized corn flooding the Mexican market has displaced millions of rural farmers, according to McClatchy Newspapers. Prior to the implementation of NAFTA, Mexican officials claimed that factory jobs would fill the void left by disappearing work on family farms.
Mexican officials had promised that NAFTA would result in the “export of goods, not people.” That, however, has turned out to be far from reality. Click the link for the full Article.
After reading these articles we can answer the questions ….how did we get here and who was responsible? It was:

The Republican Party
The Democratic Party
The Governments Worldwide
The News Media
The Banks and Big Corporations
A Population Worldwide Asleep or Ill informed

There are millions of folk who have made themselves part of the fabric of America. A solution MUST found that is just, humanitarian and beneficial to the Country. There is disruption of borders caused by wars and mindless policies. Just look at what is happening in Europe as a result on the War On Terror.
None of our ancestors moved from land to land with a visa…they were all undocumented with very few exception. Now I am not saying that in these modern times Governments should not set up processes for moving from point A to B. There are very sane reasons for having reasonable controls over immigration….I hope you can understand that. But the immigration policies written to protect the health, social and economic wellbeing were voided by Treaties deliberately designed to disrupt, divide, destroy the health of a society and brand migrants as undocumented aliens.
Given the current lack of understanding/propaganda and the level of violence we see and experience all around us, as a response by groups who don’t get their way….I have deep concern about the deportation of 20 million immigrants as a solution.
I know this approach has been done before.
The Government moved millions of natives before there was even a Government. They were moved to reservation after Waring on then for years.
From the beginning of the European colonization of the Americas, Europeans often removed native peoples from lands they wished to occupy. The means varied, including voluntary moves based on mutual agreement, treaties made under considerable duress, forceful ejection, violence, and European wars in which the Native Americans were on the losing side. The quality of life on some reservations is comparable to that in the developing world, with issues of infant mortality, life expectancy, malnutrition and poverty, and alcohol and drug abuse.
So this solution did not fair too well of Native Americans, a total waste of the Human potential. The New Nation in the judgement of history defaulted on its many Treaties and therefore it’s treatment of human being!

The Japanese were moved out of their homes to Manzana, an internment camp. Social Historian Michael Cooper in his book…. Remembering Manzanar: Life in a Japanese Relocation Camp tells us how this worked out.
In this close look at the first relocation camp built for Japanese evacuees living on the West Coast after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, social historian Michael Cooper makes extensive use of the actual words—from diaries, journals, memoirs, and news accounts—of the people who were held behind barbed wire in the high California desert. Many were American citizens who felt betrayed by their country. They had to leave their jobs, their homes, and their friends and go live in crowded barracks, eat in noisy mess halls, and do without supplies or books for work or schooling. They showed remarkable bravery and resilience as they tried to lead normal lives, starting their own schools, playing baseball, attending Saturday night dances, and publishing their own newspaper. Archival photographs, some by Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange, augment the informative text. Manzanar is now a National Historic Site and hosts an annual pilgrimage that is attended by former internees, their families, and friends.
Another example of the poor handling by the establishment, a rush to judgment and the mistreatment of the Japanese. Their lives were disrupted just because they were of a Japanese heritage…..what happened to Do Process, Habius Corpus and their Civil Rights?
After WW2 when newly elected Dwight Eisenhower moved into the White House, America's southern frontier was as porous as a spaghetti sieve. As many as 3 million migrants had walked and waded northward over a period of several years for jobs in California, Arizona, Texas, and points beyond.
How Eisenhower solved border crossings from Mexico
WASHINGTON — George W. Bush isn't the first Republican president to face a full-blown immigration crisis on the US-Mexican border. Click the link for the full article

Deporting Illegal Immigrants
Written by Roger D. McGrath
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Pardon me, but if I hear one more time that we can’t deport 12 million illegal aliens. I’m headed for the backyard to howl at the moon. Is the American memory so short that we’ve already forgotten the 1950s? This writer is old enough to remember very clearly the mass deportation of illegal aliens that occurred in 1954 in what was officially termed “Operation Wetback” (prior to the age of political correctness).
Anyone living in Southern California then, even a kid like me, couldn’t help but take notice of the operation that sent upwards of two million illegal aliens from all across the Southwest home to Mexico. It was done swiftly and cheaply by a relatively small force, proving that arguments we hear today about such an operation being logistically impossible are nothing more than a mask concealing a lack of political will. Click the link for the full article.

Most American today distrust the Government, the Banks too big to fail, Wall Street and the Major Media with good reason. The laws including, the Constitution, Common Law, Contract Law and Commerce Laws have been violated every day by those mention above. With very few exception no one has gone to jail. Fined, yes but the fines have not hurt or stopped then from reforming, contrition or a come to Jesus moments.
From the very beginning of this Country migrates came here for religious or spiritual freedoms, for better economic opportunities, running from famine and disease. Ultimately to create a government of the people for the people where life, liberty and justice world be advanced. Most experienced hardship. We become the Melting Pot. It took time to learn the language, become employed or start business, move out of slums to better communities, buy their first home, sent their kids to college, and have a well-deserved retirement.

To impose a one world government our economic engines were moved South and East. We lost the manufacturing base, the infrastructure was allowed to deteriorate, the educational system and the home were destroyed. Where it took one bread winner to support a family of four now the whole family has to get a job if they can find one. What happened to the American Dream?
The Mega Corporation own State and Federal Government. The Corporate Media that hides the truth becoming the mouth piece for the Governments and Corporations. An Education System that is Bankrupt and produced Bankrupt Graduates. A Money System based on debt making us and future generations SLAVE. A Country that Pollute, Poison, Bomb and attempt to kill the Earth. That was NOT the American Dream!

Can we blame UN-DOCUMENTED Folks for all of this ……NO!
Let’s look at a solution that is unspeakable. BUT THE RIGHT ONE!
These undocumented humans came across our borders for the same reasons that others found their way here but they were pushed here? And yes, I have heard the arguments against entering the country illegally. That they bring disease, crime and drugs. That they take jobs….and on and on.
Most of these people are good and can be an asset to restoring the American dream. We can deal with that segment that is lawless. Media can stop the glorification of war, violence, the distortion of values. Emphasize education, tolerance, self-respect and love of self and each other can result in historic positive changes. The road we are on is very destructive with the cost of countless lives and the death of our American Dream!
I have worked at a large homeless shelter for 6 year. I have seen firsthand for the way the System answer the problems of homelessness that they created. We warehouse human being. It is such a sad, sad waste of human potential. They resort to becoming street peddlers, stealing to make it through the day, selling drugs, becoming addicts, suffering from mental illness and dying on the street. They are the canaries in the mines of a sick inhuman society. What a tragedy and waste of our men, women and children!
We have never been a great society. That can be changed. Take charge of this new era that great thinkers have dreamed of and is yet to be manifested. Be the best human being that you can become, so that we all would not hesitate to be treated as you would treat yourself…..a being of unconditional love for self and others regardless. A people who takes personal responsibility for their actions.
No, I am not some Idealist I am a realist. The ideals of the past have not worked out. Be a dreamer and work for a great realist society! Give permanent residency to those here, impose tariff to product coming into the Country, regulate Wall Street (Glass Steagall),in vest on the infer-structure, eliminated the bureaucracy that handicap medium and small main street businesses and close the borders accept for already established quotes for at least 10 years. Stop being the police men of the world and work for a win/win relationship with our neighbors worldwide.
Thank you for reading this post to the end. Please pass this article on. My goal was to inform, give a new prospective and start a discussion between people who take the time to listen, speak, grow and create what we would have created had we thought of it first.
The current paradigm is nearing its end but the next 5 to 10 years will be a difficult time. My goal is to wake up people so that the cost in suffering and lives as we go won’t be so hellish.
Start the conversation now ….

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