Illegal Human Cloning ?

n this cloning topic I'm just fascinated by it ... I mean I know that astral projection and remote viewing is real so it's not a big stretch to think that Luciferians found a way to REMdownload people ... then when you look into DARPA brain chips this technology is old ... the Nazis have been definitely cloning people since the forties the D.U.M.B.s deep underground military bases ... they're real ... The thing that bothers me about Donald Marshall though ... the way he acts like he is the main character for all of Earth's history ... that cant be ... I think if anything There are thousands and thousands of kids that they use for information , art and songs ... using them for their skills or amusement ... but for some reason they've decided to prop Donald Marshall up as like the only one prodigal child would be , could be world teacher
SO ... imma keep re-posting this bit that I writ , copy n pasted till I got the words done with more traction and wit ... I wonder what Professor Griff thinks of this , to ask him ... I still want to read his book aboot the 20million dollar club , I think he coined the term ... This topic of Donald Marshall and Cloning Centers has derailed my thoughts and my center a bit ... SEEMS TO BREAK DOWN LIKE THIS ... that if you sell your soul ... or your PART OF an #Illuminati blood line and are not born again in Yeshua ישוע Jesus-God in heavens grace than Illuminati bosses can pop your soul ... Nephesh out in your sleep from your place any night or any day of the week ... REMaccessible they call it I used to call it soul shunt downloading incantations ... and than I'm sorry to say they can easly move a soul around into cloned , chipped bodies so crude any time you sleep and for with them to play ... and unless they want you cant remember what you've been through anyway ... some MKUltra stuff ever so raw and evil I'll say ... SO NOW IF ITS TRUE than that's to much power for the Illuminati to have my people ... cause if its real ... CUZ I NEED TO KNOW IF ITS REALLY THIS BAD ... Knowing my Grandpa would have had his 33rd degree ritual way of cursing future generations like me and my sister ... if we dont fall to their ways ... and become Sith Lords like them so to speak ... however the idea of these free mason monsters having found a way to cheat death , it haunts me ... much less them cloning their family ... so many blaspheme's ... SO ... by comparison , stuff like #FlatEarth is tame and an easy to shrink wrap all around my wise brain ... do the math , test the curve nice and neat , really simple ... NASAs pics are fake and yes , its also absurd on its face though ... vetting CLONING isent simple ... I cant Vet this with out meeting the people involved and vibeing them out with my own God given senses ... exposing them IN FRONT OF the crowd with no doubt ... BUT my theory is all of this is to prime everyone to the coming out ... #FakeAlienInvasion Cloned Politicians #WeAsleepThough ... Yeshua ישוע Jesus the Son and Yahweh יהוה God the Father in Heaven now ... Please keep us , yet bless us , yes protect us , ever guide us and forgive us all ... please I beg ya , all of us now , we're your children 

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