Obama said, "Reduce illegal crossings, Stronger border security, Putting more Boots on the Southern Border, a responsible pathway to earned citizenship that requires a background check!"

in illegalimmigration •  7 years ago  (edited)

This shows very clearly how leftists adored and loved border security when it was said by their heroes including their sexual harassment/assualter hero (that's right, created a new word Just for Him). . .Clinton. But if Trump says it, they're literally all up in arms. Why are they so easily played? Hypocrisy so blatant it's SAD!

Obama said, "Reduce illegal crossings, Stronger border security, Putting more Boots on the Southern Border, a responsible pathway to earned citizenship that requires a background check! Paying taxes and a meaningful penalty! Learning English and going to the back of the line behind the folks trying to come here legally."
He goes on to say, "Just saying no to everything, may be good short term politics, but it's Not Leadership! We were sent here to serve our citizens, not our ambitions!"

Clinton states, "All Americans are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our tax payers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards. By deporting twice as many criminal aliens as before. By cracking down on illegal hiring. By barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget I will present to you we will try to do more, to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes. It is wrong and ultimately self defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and We Must Do More To Stop It!"

So what happened? Why did they used to sound like President Trump, but now are clearly opposed to their previous statements? Did someone get a hold of them with an agenda? Were their pockets lined by big players like the self -proclaimed disrupter of global economies George Soros? He was integral in funding Obama for campaigns and donating to the Clinton Foundation and campaign. Is it possible he allowed them to tell the majority what they wanted to hear, then started pushing his diabolical agenda where he causes division, disruption and chaos because Soros has stated he considers himself a god. He literally tells you he enjoys playing around with people's lives. He tells you his plans. You see his investments in companies that support Antifa and Monsanto. You see him investing in hotels with questionable ethics. He has told you Who he is and What he will do. He has been kicked out of other countries for his evil and disruption. Why is he still free? I know Trump has frozen some of his assets through his trafficking executive order. Why do some people still allow themselves to be played by George Soros groups who put out videos under the name of "progressivism". The kind of Progress George Soros touts is the kind he has tried to destroy some European countries with and Venezuela. Why do leftists still continue to support his divisive, destructive organizations and policies? Do they really think a One World Government will protect them? Have they not looked into what the people in these other fallen countries are warning us about? The long lines just for bread in Venezuela? Why do leftists want anarchy so much? Why do they listen to hollywood and the music industry about a phrase from a satanist, Aleister Crowley who cried, "Do as thou wilt?" How selfish is that? The democrats claim to care about others, but when they say one thing, then go back on it so they can use illegal votes to support their cause, one must ask, What Else are they Lying about? See the video link below the still photo in the link that says video.
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