The perversion of the modern, illiberal Left is actually pretty clear when you think about it.

in illiberal •  2 years ago 


They love to brand themselves as the champions of the disaffected, the under-privileged, the people who can't fight for themselves.

The thing is, to put intersectionality on top of that is to get a lot of college educated, white people who look at people of color, women, and people in the LGBTQ community and immediately classify them as groups that can't fight for themselves. It's hard to be more racist than a white guy who is so angry at a black guy who says that he doesn't want the white guy's help, that the white guy will call the black guy "Uncle Thomas." I encounter people like that on the illiberal Left a few times a week.

You layer that further with the lies in regard to certain measures to protect children. The illiberal Left effectively either vocally supports the drugging and the mutilation of children or lies about what's going on and the real consequences.

The thing is that children are the one group that really can't fight for itself. They lack the physical strength and the mental development to fight for themselves.

What we're dealing with is a massive group of people with an aggressive white savior complex that only takes time off to shout "Transphobe!" at anyone who says that you shouldn't castrate kids.

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