THE DEEP STATE - 50 Year Old Recording Explains Why The World Is Going Crazy | ORDER OUT OF CHAOSsteemCreated with Sketch.

in illuminati •  8 years ago 

Many are aware, many are asleep and many just don't care! But make no mistake, I believe this information to be highly accurate and the only reason things could be as inexplicably screwed up and backwards as they are. Unnatural and un-Godly !

If your not familiar with this tale, with this history lesson, you should check it out. From the End Times Productions Youtube Channel
Adam_Weishaupt01.jpeg Adam Weishaulpt


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Great post. The truth is out there!

Thanks you. Amazing what is right there for us to know. But that is one of the few codes these freaks do follow. To absolve themselves from "bad karma", they must first tell us what horrible things they are about to bestow upon us. A good example is all of the pre programming found in shows like The Simpsons... Once they've given us their idea of the plan, they feel it's all good and we must consent to it. In twisted minds of these monsters, they are off the hook because they feel we were given fair warning. Oye

Ya, look at all the alien movies and shows in the past few years..... and then, suddenly, every leader under the sun has to go to Antartica and then silence. hmmm.....