Civil Society

in illuminati •  7 years ago 

A civil society needs to come to the fore to replace the Social Darwinism advocated by the Illuminati (Deep State or Cabal). The decades of social engineering of human civilization by these sociopaths needs to be replaced by Divine (Spiritual) based governance. Please remember, the meaning of spiritual and religious are not interchangeable despite popular thinking. In practice they do not mean the same thing. You can be one or the other. A spiritual based society does not mean a theocracy.

The Divinity (Source or God) recognizes individual free will regardless if you use it for selfish gain or in service to others. In a civil society individual sovereignty takes precedence over nation-state sovereignty. That means the government’s role is to provide a safe and conducive atmosphere for people to live their lives. To make this work government is to use the resources of society to provide healthy food, safe lodging, beneficial healthcare, stimulating education, and other social services. This is not like the welfare state or a utopian society. Thus, allowing people to use their divinely given talents to choose their own work and their own relationships instead of the government controlling the choices people make. What is needed is a government that serves the people not the people serving the government.

The Illuminati has long encouraged individuals and groups to fight each other while they controlled events from behind the scenes. They used fear and anger to control people and encouraged them to fight each other instead of finding common ground. People were encouraged to fear and hate those who were different from themselves. The differences exploited were skin color, gender, sexuality, language and many variations to keep people divided. Remember, a divided society means you are busy fighting each other instead of realizing what the Illuminati are doing to you.

The Divinity does not care about physical appearances or the differences between people. The Divinity cares only that people use their free will in service to others. The government’s role is to provide a society that encourages people to be of service to others. Not in service to the government specifically, but in service to other members of society in general. People need to realize that we are the human race not the white, black, brown, yellow, red, etc. race. There are different species of human with no sub-human categories. All souls are equal in the eyes of the Divinity. For God and Earth.

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