Truther Talk had the pleasure of interviewing Fritz Springmeir, Illuminati expert twice and author of 'Bloodlines of the Illuminati'. You want to check out his book, learn the history and see how it applies to our lives today.
Listen to Truther Talk Episode 20 Who are the Real Monsters here:
In Truther Talk Episode 20: Who are the Real Monsters, April and Virstyne kick off October with some serious jeepers creepers by discussing the the Satanic Illuminati. Who are these evil doers that really rule the world? They get into these details and more with Illuminati and Mind Control expert, Fritz Springmeier.
Fritz Springmeier has had an undeniably unusual life. As a child he traveled a lot and grew up during his elementary school years in Nepal. At age 15, he spent the summer working on his German relatives farm in Germany. In 1990, he began writing a series of books exposing the Illuminati including ‘Blood lines of the Illuminati’, and co-wrote ‘World Wide Evil and Misery’ among other books. During the 1990′s, he spent considerable time helping victims of trauma-based mind control. During the first decade of 21st century, his life was taken up by the Feds during raids, legal problems, and false incarceration for 8 years. He has spent a great deal of effort exposing the corruptions in our established System. His main goal is to focus on solutions and to build a positive attitude in others.
For more information and to buy books on the Illuminati, go to:
Until next time..
Peace, Truth & Love,
Truther Talk
Listen to Episode 102, Secret Societies, The Illuminati and Mind Control w/Fritz Springmeir here:
In Truther Talk Episode 102, Secret Societies, The Illuminati and Mind Control w/Fritz Springmeir, April Boden and Virstyne Henry talk to researcher and author, Fritz Springmeier.
Fritz’s owes his unique perspective of society to being a world traveler from a very young age.
A paradigm shifting experience in his late teens early twenties, has led him to write the book “Bloodlines of the Illuminati’, as well as become a teacher, who lectures all around the world educating people about Satanist elite, Mind Control, and well as other dark secrets that have been used to disempower the human race for centuries. His latest book ‘The Illuminati Formula’ used to create a total mind controlled slave offers hope because it empowers people with the knowledge of how to protect themselves so they can take their power back.
For more information on Fritz, his work and how to buy his book, go to:
Until next time…
Peace, truth & love, Truther Talk: