What is going on here in the library?
A spot next to my ear is bleeding because of me scratching a scab at the itchy spot. The scab came off.
I've been waiting for months for my social security card to arrive at my address. I've gone back three times to the social security office and gotten three different answers to when it should be arriving. Typical government stuff. You know, it will come whenever we decide to send it. It could be ten business days or never. We'll let you know. 👺
My phone won't connect to the internet at this library today. The permission page is not popping up even though I did do the things I know of that would get the page to pop up. I even turned off and restarted the phone. Still the problem is persistent. Do you know what I should do?
A dude sits down next to me and has his volume turned up on the phone. I mention to him we're a library. I ask if he'll put on headphones. He gets annoyed by this and says that I'm the only one complaining and asked if I have a personal problem with him. Remind you, he just now sat down. I could go to security, but I did find a way to calmly speak with him to get the music turned off. He calmed down.
Today's Adventure: Flash forward in ...
Dive into the water to find this nubibranch sea slug and look at the bright, aposematic patterns and colors it uses to defend itself. All was going well until ... (this is called an aposiopesis)
Excuse me, preacher. I'm going to have to apostasize everything I've said and believed since the time I've been in your service. You can tell everybody I am an apostate. I've come to my own conclusions by way of aposteroiri. Release the apostle bird and the apostle jug for me take on my way out. I'll be taking the apostle pant o ... (what was this called again)
At this campfire, all you have brought back is the apostle spoon? We wanted the Apostolic! An apostophe to our long dead leader, those who, after getting the apostrophus backward by way of a mirror, read the apotelesm must go by the way of the stars. Here, take the apothecary jars sitting on the table, pen them, and ...
The apothegm was unheard by me because ringing off the ears to place after the explosion. He fits the apotheoses of bravery I've been looking for. He's getting away because of the aptropaic ritual. Some would be appalled by the way he moves.
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