The way childish, immature, irresponsible people think is captured beautifully in this video.

in immature •  2 years ago

Look, if you put in a time off request, you’re sick, etc… fine, this is fair game, but if you’re just dumping a shift you claimed and that you’re responsible for, it literally is yours to fill. You can’t just dump something you claimed responsibility at the last minute and have no consequences.

This video is everything that’s wrong with the labor market today. No responsibility, no accountability, no doing the right thing, deflecting blame, etc…. Not even funny for a second, it’s modern day entitlement which you’re nobody is entitled to. If you have a shift and you didn’t put in a time off request, it’s YOUR responsibility to find someone to cover YOUR shift. Talk about warped morals and ethics.

I’d fire this immature child and hire an adult asap!

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