Give an inch they take a mile. ๐Ÿ“โš–๏ธ

in immigration โ€ขย  6 years agoย 

Not everyone.

I believe it's something like this: Either they take a mile, or they're thinking about how they could give 2 inches back to you.

Or maybe it's more like 1 inch or 1.05 or 1.10 inches.

Or 7 or 8 inches if they really love you.

Point is, people either are trying to be good and fair, or if they aren't, then there's no limit to what they want. Their limit is whatever they can get.

For example, let's talk about immigration.

data from Wiki: link

I don't lose much sleep over what the immigration rate is. Life will go on.

But when you look at the numbers, it's interesting (and actually kind of frightening) to me that there is this cadre of people who fiercely call for more immigration and for the US and in general "the West" (white people) to be more open to immigrants.

They sometimes suggest that these are racist countries who don't like immigrants etc.

These are the countries who already have a super high amount of foreign-born population.

US 14.3%, Germany 14.9%, UK 13.2%, Canada 21.9%, Australia 33.3%, France 11.1%, yadee yada. European countries seem generally in 8-18% type of range.

Compared to 3.3% worldwide.

Note: There are a lot of smaller and third world countries with an off-the-charts high percentage, like UAE at 83%, American Somoa 71%, Kuwait 70%.

(I don't know what this is about. I'd imagine it's some kink of being a small country. Imperialism and contract workers could be a part of it. Maybe in some cases a big hospital is across a border, so a lot of the population is technically foreign-born. Idk. Demographics are fun. Would be interesting to figure out what causes this. Anyways..)

So the Western countries don't top the list. But shatter the 3.3% global average. And are way higher than basically every other developed or larger country.

Russia (white people, but not the West) 7.7%, India 0.4%, Japan 1.9%, Brazil 0.9%, Thailand 5.6%

Mexico 0.9% ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† (multiculturalism so important tho rite?)

China 0.1% ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Yadee yada. You can scroll down the list yourself. Point being, the US and the white people countries don't seem to suffer from being too exclusive or not taking on enough immigration.

Rather, it's quite the opposite. These countries should be praised for how welcoming they are.

And other countries like Mexico and India should be criticized for wanting their cake and eating it too in this regard.

It's all about the story line

If the leftist SJW story line was generally something like "so ya, we're a super accepting country.. but let's be even more accepting!!"..

Then I wouldn't be that wary of it. Whether or not I perfectly agreed, that's a sane and fine attitude.

There are compelling arguments about why too much "diversity" too fast is actually not good for a culture, and I tend to agree with those. But I don't claim to know or really care much exactly where the line should be.

And meeting and welcoming people from new cultures and countries feels appealing and nourishing to me, and something that I'm more inclined to like rather than dislike.

In general my belief is: if you say something matters to you, then you should act accordingly.

If you say welcoming immigrants is important to you, you should welcome them. Be a host, and introduce someone to the country and help them have a smooth transition. Find some immigrant friends, help them find a job. Etc.

(I bet conservative families do that a lot more often than the liberal SJWs -- zing ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)

Like anything, the SJWs are in it for the virtue signaling rather than actually doing the things they say are good.

And then, the appetite of how welcoming and fostering people actually are (rather than what they talk about) just naturally determines what the immigration rate of that country should be.

You don't have to talk about it or argue about it. Just do it if you believe it's important.

To whatever extent there are pockets of immigrants who live among themselves, that seems out of balance and to indicate that people are talking about wanting immigrants more than actually meaning it.

The point of coming to a new country, after all, should generally be that you like that country and want to be a part of the culture it currently has.

If actually they prefer their own culture, they could have had that at home. And their motivations for doing it here instead (whether it has to do with making more money or dodging oppression) are of course totally rational on their part. These motivations just have nothing to do with sharing cultures with each other.

It's classically SJW. To bark about something and not actually mean it, and then what you end with is a bastardization of what allegedly the goal was.

You end up with a 1-way street, where immigrants tend to often be in it for the resources rather than they're necessarily interested in the country and the culture they're joining.

So what exactly would be the "correct" amount of immigration is hard to really determine.

The Xs and Os and how many migrant workers and which roaming caravan of Hondurans should be accepted and stuff like can be argued back and forth and it's hard to pinpoint what truly is right.

(The real answer is to decentralize it and not have these wonky borders, and instead have more intimate ways of sorting it out. But that's for another blog entry.)

But I feel like if you don't start with the general picture that it's a welcoming and immigrant-friendly country and go from there, then you're one of the people who wants a mile.

If you don't admit that the grass is green, I suspect there's something wrong or nefarious about your motivations. It's hard to figure that you're trying to be reasonable. You're trying to manipulate and guilt people into what you want.

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ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)



You know what they say, the grass is greener with a green passport (or something like that)

Ultimately, poorly managed immigrants will make everything worse for the host country, the immigrants and their dependants back home. But hey, who cares... As long as the grass remains green

Personally, I'm not looking forward to relocating but I hear it's a good thing. No police brutality, a system that works, great healthcare and all that...

If you were from a country like Nigeria, wouldn't you rather go for greener grass?

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Oh, for sure! It makes total sense on the immigrants' part.

And even doing the "you're racist if you don't let me in" thing would make sense on your part, as a tactic. A manipulative tactic but an effective one lol.

But I'd suggest that the attitude I'm referring to may potentially hurt someone like yourself.

You're in college (or you teach or something).. very smart person. You're on social media. You'd stand a great chance at meeting people who would want to host you.

I'd host you. (Not at this exact moment but in general.)

So it being a distant and impersonal thing probably hurts your chances.

Plus some of the reasons Nigeria is in bad shape probably has to do with imperialism. We could stop invading everywhere, rather than invade and then take everyone in.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

You're in college (or you teach or something)..

I'm currently studying English Language at the University. The teaching aspect is a side job. I teach English literature to students who are preparing for the university's entrance exam

very smart person

Hahaha. Quite the opposite. I'm supposed to have ended my degree program two years ago. Failed four courses in my final year and then one more in my extra year. Hardly the tale of a smart studenr.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Hahaha. Quite the opposite.

Fine. Deported.

I'm supposed to have ended my degree program two years ago. Failed four courses in my final year and then one more in my extra year. Hardly the tale of a smart studenr.

Meh. College booksmart types were good in like the 1980s. These days the best people fail at it.

Ik once you said you'd rather go to England anyways tho. Bleh. Fine.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

The UN has their plan publicly laid out regarding "population replacement" in Russia, Asian countries, the USA, and Europe.

Disrupting certain populations and replacing them with peoples who will more easily surrender to servitude is the plan.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

That's interesting.

What you say would sound like "zomg conspiracy theory" to some people, then you read the link and they're literally saying that.

From the site:

Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.

That's just crazy talk. As tho there's some huge need to keep the exact same amount of people?

Like you're at the park with your friends, someone goes home.. oh shit, obv we need to go get that hobo to replace him.

Reasons for less kids likely has a lot to do with less savings and less people people having a stable middle class income. They could lower taxes and stop draining us with debt from wars etc.

And all the propaganda about how woke it is to have abortions and not like men and not want a family probably doesn't help.

I'd say less taxes, less debt, less propaganda would be a better way to increase the birth rate, lol.

I kind of feel bad for people who don't recognize that it's really all about strategy and them wanting more control. You have to mindfuck yourself really bad to think their story line actually makes sense.

Like, "oh ya, there's this group of people overseeing the world and doing a lot of research to make it work correctly". Nope! Lol. They're motivated by their own interests and by having more control, naturally. And the stuff they put out is their rationalization. But having control is the point.

Almost like watching WWE and not realizing that they're acting.