Immigration and integration into western society.

in immigration •  8 years ago 

You might get sick of hearing me say this, but "I came across this on the evil NSA aligned social media."

Despite being published on America Now, the story takes place in Coventry England. This seems to be an old trope, but it isn't. It's what happens when you have unchecked immigration into your country, but you don't urge integration in your society.
I think that before you accept an immigrant into your society, you should start in his/her own country, educating him/her on the customs of the country he/she wants to move to, and then move onto teaching them the laws and social norms.

I shouldn't have to say this, but hey, the guy is from Syria, is Muslim, and of course, has no respect for women. We can thank his religion for how he feels about women.

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agreed, an so much to learn from history, now following you

Thank you for following me @Johnnyray

Time for another crusade.

@vikingboer Rather than have an armed crusade, I think we should have a renaissance of education and philosophy. In my opinion, this country is stagnating.