We Are All Immortality ProjectssteemCreated with Sketch.

in immortality •  7 years ago  (edited)

If we look the entirety of the human history there is a recurring theme of heroism. Humans adopt a theme of their choosing and then they carry one fulfilling it. In a way, every single human endeavour aims towards immortality.

Whether we examine religious ideas that aim towards paradise and redemption — or even recently scientific endeavours that aim to prolong life and ultimately become immortal — the idea of serving an idea bigger than ourselves dominates our psyche.

Personally, I don't find a significant difference in how humans choose to give meaning in their lives. Perhaps the most prominent idea, love, demonstrated that at the end of the day we all seek the same things, the same form of fulfilment and purpose. Whether this is tunnelled through religion or science, economics or politics has little significance. At the end of the day, these illusions merge together to favour a specific group against another.

We are the expression of those who lived before us. We are the result of a series of immortality projects whether one is aiming to create a family or conquer the next fertile land. Evolution provided us with the basic blueprint and we all helplessly build from there up like mindless drones. We are not doing anything more other than making sure that our variations of DNA propagate throughout the planet.

We will never be united in peace about anything. We will continue falling in love with specific people that hold specific attributes and hate or ignore others. Those who are less successful in regards to one thing will find a way to shine through another.

A handful of members from our species have provided for each and every one of us all the tools we have today so we can shape meaning. Everything we know as real and meaningful is nothing more than the propagation of their own immortality projects. Many have chipped in to make their goals happen but those particular ones shined because they happened to be there when the tipping point of their innovation manifested. Newton, Cleopatra, Einstein, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Genghis Khan — all are circumstantial players that others have laid the road before them. We are just so entangled into the hero narrative we only appreciate the surface. We are prisoners of the immortality narrative. The hero's glory.

Our brains cannot bear to ponder upon the future without picturing our own demise. We need stories, illusions to keep us going. There is a vast array of choices one could entertain but at the end what will make that illusion more believable is the number of people that will follow. Those around us are the only ones that can create a meaningful narrative.

This is the reason you see televangelists struggling to gather up more members. This is the reason Muslims try to convert non-believers and defend their "holy land". This is the reason we have initiatives to gather up people in science for the "good of the planet" even though technology and innovation, as much as religious quests have caused so much death and anguish.

Everyone has at heart good intentions until their own immortality project gets challenged from someone else. We feel threatened by our own existence because when we lose meaning in our illusion we lose ourselves. This is why loneliness is such as devastating state for those who don't seek it. When you are alone, you are as good as dead. The sense of belonging works much like any other instinct.

Political parties, activist groups, religious followers and science advocates push their own agenda in hope that their own illusion will shine above everyone else's. Much like we are proud of our offspring, our own DNA, we seek fulfilment through the group. This is also how those massive friend lists on facebook are created. This is why your profile picture is so carefully crafted, like an advertisement board, so you can connect with specific people around you.

For most of us, the immortality project is accomplished through the basic means of having a family. For others is having their name printed on the spine of a hardcover. For some others is embracing a religion and dedicating themselves to the greater whole.

A human's tragedy lies in the fact that we are tormented from our own illusions. We can't live without them but having them entails suffering. We are prisoners of our own choices. In our blind quest, belief is our ally but also our greatest foe.

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You keep saying "we" instead of "I". Apparently some people find your nihilism impressive and deep. But certainly not all of "us".

In which "sources" have you looked at the "entirety of the human history"? I would not think that has been made available to you.

Your thoughts seem limited in scope, partaking only of one narrow paradigm that engages your intellect.

I make no claim to be more knowledgeable than you. Just less dogmatic and more open to other possible viewpoints.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

You can point out exceptions to the rule that you are aware and we can discuss them.

You wrote 5 paragraphs and yet not a single one makes an argument about my piece. This is called intellectual dishonesty and is only aimed to discredit me through provocations rather than actual counter arguments.


Not true.
Point 1: You keep saying "we" instead of "I".

You can demonstrate how "we" doesn't apply in relation to my thesis. I explain exactly how we are all immortality projects no matter what choices we make. I explain this in detail.

"We are not doing anything more other than making sure that our variations of DNA propagate throughout the planet." kyriacos


"The purpose of relationships on this path has nothing to do with the nesting instinct." Kalindila Gourasana

But we are making sure our DNA propagates through biology. If we don't breed we do it through our ideas by publishing books.

Your quote is a statement that cannot be falsified. Mine can.

What path? and if it has nothing to do with the 'nesting' instinct then what is it all about? Your quote is very vague.

I am saying that you assume too much when you say "we".

I am sure that you are quite aware of the "Selfish Gene" thesis and perspective. Most people do not "make sure" their DNA propagates. They are entirely passive in the matter (though they will never admit to that). DNA propagates itself through them. Conscious choice is an illusion for most people.

But not for all!

There exist exceptions and the possibility of conscious, as opposed to mechanical, modes of existence. At a minimum, some people are capable of choosing what forces to subject themselves to.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The selfish gene is only one side of the story. There is a complementary theory called "group selection" and goes hand in hand with the selfish gene. It was developed by S. Wilson but he is not as "trendy" as Dawkins.

"Conscious choice is an illusion for most people."

Exactly my point. We all fall victims of that whether we prepegate DNA or ideas.

read this


Thought popped up:

That may also explain why genealogy has become such a wide-spread hobby; in your terms, it could be the creation of an overview of the family's immortality projects turned into an immortality project of its own.

Ofcourse. In a way is the gateway for discovering oneself. We are tracking down our DNA as if it matters if we have originated from some random steppe in Africa.

I find myself totally dis-attached from genealogy, somehow not quite motivated to do so. The stories should be interesting though..

I love how you have aligned immortality with religion and science. Great content👍

thanx man. glad you enjoyed it.

Another good post of yours

btw you might want to take a look at the "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkings if you haven't already.

I have read it. What about it and how it related to my post based on your context?

Immortality projects are perhaps the effects of the control that our "selfish genes" have over us, we have our selfish genes on one side and on the other we have collective organisms/entities like religions, states and anything that tries to gather support under a flag, those "organisms" are trying too to survive and to expand/replicate like our "genes" do. It seems we are mere pawns and in the midle of the "genes" and "memes" struggle to survival.

You might wanna read this about the selfish gene. Not many people are aware of the complementary theory which is group selection. Talking only about the "selfish gene" is like making an argument of nature vs nurture and only addressing nature.


Indeed in a way we are all trapped, dancing on the same song with slightly different choreography.

I remember Mark Manson discussing this in his book TSAONGAF . Dan Ariely also discussed this in an interview I heard not so long ago.

Even if we are not consciously aware of this motivation I think it is powerful.

One of the greatest manifestations of this is in the plans and goals people have for their children, grandchildren and other descendants as that is in a sense the ultimate immortality project.

The idea got spread from Otto Rank and Kierkegaard. Both got it from early accounts of anthropology. This is after all how psychology came to be as science and then reason I am criticising it so much.

Indeed, we are all trapped into this because we adhere to the hero ideal, evident from almost every culture that existed on this earth. There are some core values that anthropology addresses perfectly that I find it hard for anyone to argue against them. Harsh truths about who we are and what we are headed.

So Cool

Religion, politics is all about allying ourselves with the immortal aspirations of others.
I feel that to cut oneself free, to stand apart and observe is the way to find true immortality. One is then free to explore all possibilities, to walk all roads, to truly be.

Excellent post!! thank you for sharing
Excellent post! I like your work My friend

glad you liked it

Interesting view! :)

whoa. powerful. excellently-written.

thanx man. glad you liked it.