Scientists have discovered how a common fungi found everywhere on the earth casts the immune system of our body and can develop a fatal infection. Researchers have said that fungal aspirigus fumigatus is found normally in our homes on cushions, curtains, floors. These are the subtle spores that fly through the air. If the spores reach the body of a healthy person, then it can not be harmed because their immune system is strong.
Whereas, this fungus sucks the immune system of those people who have any organ transplantation or are AIDS patients because such people's immune system is weak. A team of Oliver Wrej of Frederick Schiller University of Germany has now discovered how the fungus makes the immune system cripple.
A study published in the Cell Chemic Le Biolology Journal said that gliotoxin is found in asperglysus fumigatus. Which is responsible for pathogenic This weakens the activity of the immune system cells.
Such experiment
The scientists bring gliotoxin to the immune cells to understand it. The cells of neutrophilic granulocytes represent the first line of the immune system. As soon as the fungus came in contact with the cells. The cells sent a special message to the blood, from which other immune cells were attracted to that message and gathered at one place and washed the fungus to protect the body. But, when the immune system weakens, cells of the first line can not send signals to the blood. Because of which the fungus can easily penetrate the immune system.