Rothschilds and Israel.

in imperialism •  last year 

We’re all direct or indirect victims of propaganda as a consequence of people believing and reciting false narratives or knowingly going along with lies - as it amounts to huge expenses financially and in terms of human energy spent arguing over what the truth is and what justice should, would or could be, only if...

One of the biggest falsehoods the Western establishment goes along with today while promoting it openly and subliminally, is the idea that Israel was installed by “Western imperialists.” A couple of simple questions help tell the story - so what could possibly be more antiSemitic than using Jews as pawns and cannon fodder in the Middle East to advance the goals of “Western imperialism?” Why didn’t the Zionist Anti Defamation League object from the beginning and demand that madness be stopped decades ago or even yesterday? Why not stop the offending practices tomorrow?

The Rothschilds for one, disagree with the idea Israel is a creation of Western imperialism while boastfully claiming today’s Israel is the result of Rothschilds family lobbying efforts and funding going back more than a century to the late 1800’s. Jewish Zionists lobbied the world for help creating, maintaining and expending the Jewish state - as it continues today.

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