in improvement •  5 years ago 

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It's time to add nodes to this thoughtchain. Sometimes people are having a bad day or have a reason to rush and that is ok. When people do rude things constantly that is when that person becomes a jerk. When you are running normal errands people can make is more difficult. When you are walking down the street or in a store and a person rushes pass you just to walk slower than you. Don't swing your keys so I almost get hit by them would be nice. When a person leaves a shopping cart in the middle of an aisle to block it up. Stop hitting people with a shopping cart because personal space matters. When the only open parking space available has a shopping cart in it so you can't park in it. When a person leaves a shopping cart on a median right next to a chart return. Driving isn't much better due to jerks on the roads.

Sometimes when I'm driving, I must be driving too slow because several people will pass me and sometimes still catch the light. People who lane switch constantly are jerks and that behavior is dangerous for little if any gain. People who are talking on their cellphones instead of paying attention to the road needs to stop. People who smoke cigarettes or vape while driving makes you a jerk. I hate when people throw trash right outside their window. People need to stop messing with their infotainment system and pay attention, what's in front of them. When at a stop sign people should actually stop not just coast through. It's hard to relax after a stressful day due to jerks.

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The neighbor who thinks their house is a club or movie theater. When you try to spend some time outside and you step into a pile of dog poo. If you are a content creator the comment section will ruin your day to say the least. Playing a video game online and hearing a bunch of preteens or young teens yelling swears at all the players. The person who can't turn their car alarm off like after twenty minutes is really annoying. Trying to watch a TV show and an airplane keeps flying above your house like someone is trying to get their pilot’s license should be illegal. What people do that I really hate is when you try to park on your street and someone is doubled parked in the middle of the street. Don't park in front of a stranger’s house, give them the courtesy of parking in front of their own house. My trash can is not a public one, so don't use it. Parents really can ruin your day.

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Parents who allow their kids to run into the street should be arrested in my opinion. I think most people become angry when parents allow their kids to grab or knock stuff off shelves. Parents please listen to me when I say this kids don't belong in a bar period. Kids should not run around the neighborhood just screaming their heads off that is just not acceptable. When strangers ask you have you seen their kids is just bad parenting. Putting out a sign that states slow down children at play doesn't make you a better parent. Now I'm going to tell you how to not be a jerk.

When you are going grocery shopping make and take a list with you, so things run smoothly. When in a store leave ample space so people can go pass you easily. When you exit a store put your cart in a cart return please don't be lazy. When you are driving please pay attention to the road only don't be distracted it is dangerous. Don't be a lane switcher just follow the flow of traffic to where you need to go. Allow yourself more time when going to work in order to be on time. If you have a dog you need to clean up after it and your neighbors property is not for your use ok. Don't double park try to find a parking space to wait for someone or drop something off. If you hear a car alarm going off make sure it's not yours. When you are online be respectful to other people or just mute everyone including yourself. If you have kids watch them and teach them how to be respectful towards other people. If you see a jerk try to talk to that person to see if the person realizes their actions are disrupting things in a negative way. I said something now it's your turn.

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