I don't enjoy writing posts with this theme of vindictive anger. I know it will be misconstrued by some as just another internet rant. And I'm painfully aware that this anger says more about me and my own state of consciousness where I am in my own life right now rather than painting the bigger objective picture. I realize that my generation is just as much to blame, and is just as complicit in our predicament of global suffering. I will never resort to passively passing on the blame and responsibility for all the world's problems on others while sitting back passively and doing nothing to fix my own situation and play my role in helping others do the same. I just hope that by expressing this truth that many in my generation will resonate to, it will spark something. Something has to change in the way we view these problems. So hopefully these thoughts will act as a catalyzer for something. I wouldn't be writing about this if I wasn't conscious of the coming calamities, and our collective need to start making adequate preparations.
The point of this article is simply to illustrate the variety of ways that my "generation" is getting royally screwed over, and to highlight some of the most prolific abuses and injustices that everyone in my age-group is facing. These abuses are constantly being mocked and made fun of by many in the mainstream media, and this is a problem that really needs prompt redress.
I'm talking about the way that the Baby Boomer generation has completely fucked us and refuses to admit any responsibility for the mess that they have bequeathed as their legacy to the next generation. They hurl injurious insults at us, blaming us for not being more obedient and stoic sufferers of their utter stupidity, labeling us "entitled" and "lucky", claiming we have no right to complain when we seek redress for our grievances
They act all surprised when we get galvanized by a candidate like Bernie Sanders (who's an utter compromised piece of shit in my book despite the obvious truths that he at least has the public decency to address), calling us ass-holes for "Bernie or Bust" memes. They don't have the slightest shred of self-awareness...
They don't have a fucking clue.
But what gets me most upset of all is the prolific ignorance among my generation, because we simply cannot yet fathom or fully comprehend the sheer gargantuan scope and extent of the mess that has been left for us to clean up.
The following are all points I've spent countless hours trying to educate people my age about, and though I realize these points are slowly but surely sinking in the collective awareness of my peers, as people my age start to mature and figure out exactly what kind of a socio-political and economic landscape has been erected all around us in our upbringings without more so than a peep from the elder generations, I realize they still need to be driven home...
There are still many more lessons that we need to collectively realize if we are going to escape the absolute oblivion that awaits us if we do not get our shit together in a timely fashion...
Here's one thing I get really upset at my own generations when I need to deal with my peers.
Most of them still overwhelmingly have little to no experience dealing with cryptocurrency...
How easy would life be if everybody my age was completely connected through private cryptocurrency, and knew how to use it to conduct all of the affairs of daily life.
This really grinds my gear... Because of our yet lacking interest in these new technologies, we are still forced to resort to dealing with the traditional financial, legal and corporate systems, simply because we do not know how to use the now hundreds of viable alternatives that our (thank God) forward-thinking visionaries have created for us to follow the path of emancipation.
I just have one desire: to boycott as comprehensively and soon as possible every single Old-Order financial institution and mega corporation of this "Neo-Fuckery-Order" that is collectively responsible for consciously transmitting on to us the most outlandishly fucked up situation in recorded history.
What am I talking about? I'm talking about the completely irresponsible fiscal recklessness that the Baby Boomer generation voted for (and not even in the voting booth, but with their dollars), back when democracy still meant something... And even when there were obvious signs that this wasn't working and was creating a colossal mess, they still were not bothered to correct it when they still had the chance.
As long as everybody was making money, it was all fine and dandy for them. No questions were asked. No efforts to stop this madness... Heck, how many actively supported and championed racist and twisted ideologies like Reaganomics, Hyper-Financialization, Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, The War on Drugs, the War on Terror...
And I know what their excuse will be. "We didn't have the internet, we didn't have access to the information that you had."
Yeah, except that there were dudes and ladies since the 1960s (and really since for ever!) that we're warning you all about this shit and instead of doing a little bit of homework you just dismissed them as tin-foil quacks that should be locked up in the mad house... You fell for the mob mentality and acted out of pure greed and selfishness...
Now today while these 60 and 70 year-olds of the rapidly dissapearing and quasi-mythical urban legend of a "Middle-Class" sit in their big homes, with their mortgages and debts paid off, comfortably waiting for the Grim Reaper's visit while they continue to live out the rest of their lives safe in the knowledge that they will be dead and gone long before any of the shit that they created ever hits the fan, my generation is sweating bullets trying to figure out what in the Hell we are going to do to make it out of this mess without completely compromising our Souls to the Devil and turning to unfettered solipsistic existential individualistic materialism.
This is something that Baby Boomers from my parents' generation DO NOT understand, at least in any visible way.
Yeah I'm sure they know what they've done deep down inside; but they act like they are in complete denial about it in public!
They Fucked Up and They Need to Admit It Before They Go.
And then they act oh-so-surprised and confused when they see us rebelling and wanting to drop out of university, default on our debts, become digital nomads, escape taxes, and get involved and participate in our own voluntarist projects in our own niche communities. They're still feeding us this utter-bullcrap of "you need to get a degree" and "you need to get a job", sending us like little lambs into the meat grinder...
It all boils down to this:
They actually believe that we are going to assume their liabilities and faithfully comply with the Social Contract that they passively watched get eviscerated before their very eyes, just because "it was easier to make money and take care of their own personal interests" than to actually sacrifice some of their comfort and their time to try and rectify and correct the underlying faults in the way society was being managed.
They still expect us to sacrifice our own happiness, our own passions, our dreams, our idealistic visions for a better future, just so that they can reach their late 80s and 90s and die without having to suffer any personal inconvenience and consequences for the recklessness of their generations' actions.
Did They Forget Something?

I'm here to tell these people: we're not gonna do it.
"Dear Baby Boomers. Go fuck yourselves." - Millenials
Short disclaimer: I know I'm generalizing and writing in an incendiary and provocative tone, but this is only to get this very important point across. I've seen absolutely 0 signs of any of these issues being discussed by Baby Boomers. My Dad has slowly come around to admitting some of this, and he confessed that his generation was a successfully duped one, and that had they known what they know now, would have done things completely differently. And that's all I want to hear, that's the only thing that we need. Is an honest apology from the previous generation to the new one and a commitment to try and cleaning up some of this mess before they all go!
"Dear next generation. We're sorry. We didn't know any better. We were young and reckless too, just like you guys are today, but we recognize that we fucked up. And now, let us at least try to be of service in helping you guys get on your own two feet and redesign society according to new rules. We're only human, but as humans, we recognize that our ways and methods aren't going to work in this world, and as such, we want to give your generation all the tools and resources we can so that you can create a better world for our grand children and great grand children to live in. We're sorry, but we can help you make it right. We want to fix our mistakes".
Before I continue with my main three points of contention with the current paradigmatic consciousness-grid, and why I am unequivocally proclaiming that I am done with this system that our parents perpetuated and intended to conscript us into in favoring of dedicating my life to the pursuit of the alternatives to this global monolith they have erected, I thought I would share the introductory passage of Carl Jung's The Alchemy of Anger, which is available in PDF form here.
Anger corresponds to the alchemical stage calcinatio and the element associated with it is fire. Calcinatio images are of fire and heat, which are associated with erotic love, as well as the suffering connected with primitive anger, fury and frustration, which are usually triggered in love relationships. The calcinatio represents being burned up or consumed by the fires of one's unmet desires, blocked instincts, passions and rages, in other words, one's own personal hell. If this intense affect can be endured, it can have a refining and consolidating effect, for it is also associated with the flames of the funeral pyre, which signify transformation.
In this psychic space the issue is not so much to “get the anger out” as it is to learn to trust oneself enough to be able to contain such powerful feelings. In rage lie the seeds of considerable strength of will and survival capacity. This rage is almost always relegated to the unconscious in childhood, so as not to displease the person who has evoked it by their failure to meet our needs, and thereby to lose what little we may have. If it is not brought to consciousness, experienced and resolved, it cannot do its work, which is usually to separate one from the parents. And by separate I do not mean to move out of the parent's house. I mean to grow up and live one's own life, not controlled by the parental complex. Beware! This is not as easy as it sounds! We may think we have grown up, but we are, most of us, living out of the wounds our parents gave us in ways we do not know about. There is an unconscious dimension to the mother and father which affects us far more powerfully than we can imagine. It is the work of analysis, dream work and psychotherapy to smoke this out.
The fire of the calcinatio is associated with purification and transformation. Hell fire is the punishment applied to those who are condemned at the “Last Judgment.” This is that aspect of the ego that is inflated, or over-identified with the Self, and uses the Self for personal pleasure or power. This is the aspect that has the fantasy of having everything we want: money, happiness, the perfect mate who meets all our needs. It is the “little king,” or the frustrated infant in us who wants what it wants and fully expects to get it (we sometimes call this “a sense of entitlement”).
There is nothing wrong with this fantasy in and of itself, because it is essentially a longing for a state of complete harmony with the Self. But if we have the childish demand that someone in the outer world must provide it, then of course that is impossible. The difficulty is to save this fantasy which brings life and to cut away the childish expectation. If the associated frustration can be consciously suffered, it is the agent that can burn away the childish innocence with its primitive desire and lead us to our Selves.
I'll let this sink in in relation to the meaning of this post. As a 22 year old living his first year financially independent from my parental units, I realize these feelings are developmental.
As I begin to conceive and dream of my path to freedom, fulfillment and self-actualization, I realize how much anger I still carry within... And I believe it better to bring it to the forefront of my consciousness, and explore it openly to uncover the hidden meaning contained within it's seeming destructive potential, so that it may purify me and prepare me for the next stage of my life.

I just want to take responsibility for myself and do my best to serve my Loved Ones and Humanity

Problem Number One: Central Banks and Money
- This is the biggest problem we are facing. First of all, a new Great Depression that is going to make the panic and mayhem of 2008 look like a walk in the park is upon us. And we already know what their bailout plan is: more fiat debt. The infamous Special Drawing Rights (FDRs) are going to be used by the Globalists at the infinitely-corrupt World Bank to bailout all the central banks of countries that are going down, down, down.
Italy first, then Spain, then Ireland, and so on... All the dominoes will fall and the global economy is going to experience a collapse like it has never seen. This is no coincidence, and this is only being accelerated by widespread adoption of private cryptocurrencies. - This is why central banks in all major countries are all actively preparing to unroll their Banker-Coin alternatives. #FedCoin. #BOJ-Coin. #ECB-Coin. You get the picture.
- Game-theory strongly suggests that a massive shift in the existing balance of power is occurring, and the world is preparing to enter a period of turmoil and chaos it has not seen since the first half of the 20th century.
- What does this all mean for millennials? It means we are being taken for target. The previous generation has absolutely no intention to let us off the leash they have us on. And the fucking sell-out pieces of shit from generation X that are sucking the devil's cock, the Facebook/Twitter/PayPal ravenous cunts like Zuckerberg and Musk and all these other billionaires plan to royally screw us in the ass. They plan on turning us into weak and dependent slaves to this New World Order they have sold their souls to.
- The Baby-Boomer Banker Class, such as "Mr. Goodfriend" (somebody please murder this man before he ever gets anywhere near a position of power), whom Trump is considering appointing to the Fed Board of Directors are huge proponents of what they call "deeply negative rates to stimulate growth", adding that since 1999 they've been discussing how "negative rates were a feasible option, years before central banks started actually experimenting with them."
- What does that mean? The bottom line is that this means our generation will have to pay the banks to not just hold, but control our money. Mr. "Goodfriend" claims this idea is "very feasible", which can mean only one thing:
- The cataclysmic collapse of the US dollar is nearer than anybody thinks, FedCoin is right around the corner waiting to replace it, and all private cryptocurrencies are going to be made illegal. This is nothing new. The Internationalist Banker Cartel will never release their monopolistic control of money. They didn't get the monopoly they've enjoyed for the past few centuries without crushing the competition, and using the State to aid them in this pursuit of establishing a fiat "legal tender" that they controlled.
- The situation is going to get very, very messy. When they get rid of cash, and start going after people transacting with private (in both senses of the word) cryptocurrencies, it's not going to be pretty... They're going to arrest people with mining rigs, people who use VPNs, they're gonna scan our computers looking for illegal wallet keys. All the backdoors already exist... They're collecting all of this information as we speak, and most of us are not adequately protected... I included...
- Luckily, executing such a draconian plan, if a significant portion of the population is actively resisting these changes during a period of transition and rebanlancing of power, means it is virtually impossible to do this in any general and swift way... There are going to be cracks in their design, plenty of opportunity for people to stifle their efforts, and because we are in largely unprecedented historical grounds and uncharted technological lands, they will undoubtedly fuck up at every corner they can... This is why we should all be acting as "accelerationists"... They would see these changes take place over decades, long-drawn out periods that give them ample time to counteract and destroy all initiatives to resist their hostile takeover of global society and Mankind. If we give them hell in the next years, there will be Hell to pay for these Banker Scum.... We gotta throw one hell of a rodeo show and always keep them on their toes, using every clever and dastardly trick in the book.
Problem Number Two: Big Government and Taxes
"I feel I owe you an apology. We have a rule...we never free a mind once it reaches a certain age. It's dangerous, and the mind has trouble letting go." - Morpheus
- This is probably our biggest problem, because government is the only tool in the Globalist's playbook that can actively twist our fellow humans against us and violently crackdown on our emancipatory efforts.
- They can legislate any law that they can conceive of enforcing through the use of violence and initiation of force. Yes, dissidents will be spied on, tracked, legislated against. Their organizations will be infiltrated. Their activities will be criminalized. They will be pushed underground and forced to either capitulate, or become renegades. Some will be silently murdered. Others will be detained, arrested, tried, and jailed. We will be attacked, overtly through vicious propaganda campaigns and covertly through secret police operations. We will be intimidated, and if we prove to be too riotous, we will be neutralized.
- Government is by far the most dangerous and pressing concern that should be on all of our minds. If we stick our heads up too much, and are too loud, we will be crushed. However, if we stay down and crouched in the shadows and remain underground, our voices will equally be silenced and our message of emancipation will not be heard by those who are trapped by the system. We need to form effective cells, prepare deep and tightly-knit networks, and become capable and effective agents.
- As the enslavement of mankind towards a technocratic society accelerates, new forms of taxes will be levied against us, effectively dampening and even thwarting our attempts at empowering ourselves and our communities. We are already seeing the police forces of the world confiscating our property everywhere we look. Corrupt law enforcement lines its pockets with the ill gotten spoils of our society... Possessing more than $10,000 dollars on us at any time, especially in criminalized alt-coins, will be seen as "suspicious" if it is not safely stored within the Banker's cryptocurrency legal-tender system. We're going to need to find new ways of concealing our resources lest they be confiscated by the government...
- Taxes are going to sky-rocket... Our generation will be forced to work for sustenance living. If we work, we will maybe be allowed to keep 25% of what we earn. If we don't, since 50% of the jobs that currently exist are going to vanish from the market in the next 10 years because of automation and the "4th Industrial Revolution" (The Technocratic Robotic Revolution and the AI Smart Grid), we will be forced to contend ourselves with the "Basic Universal Income" that the Banks decide to give the Governments to allocate to their "citizenries" (slaves)... While those who have taken no action in these critical days will watch themselves being turned into powerless zombies of a Transhumanist society, they will become resentful of us who are actively escaping the clutches of this evil system's ways, and they will be programmed to turn on us and report us to the authorities... We must become increasingly vigilant and mindful of the "crabs in the bucket" who are not questioning the changes taking place around us and who are blindly following down the Satanic path that has been laid before them by the Social Engineers...
Problem Number Three: Mega Corporations and How They Work
- I already touched on the idea of a Universal Basic Income and 4th Industrial Revolution, and I think those are topics best reserved for a future post. Let me focus instead on how these Megacorps function and what they true purpose is.
- Corporations (I'm talking Megacorps) no longer need to sell goods and services to function. They don't need us to purchase their products in order to make money. Why? Because what fuels corporate gains in this era is no longer sales. It's free money and rising stock prices. Take a company like Amazon. Amazon is unprofitable. Every time they sell a product, they lose money. Does that detract from their ability to monopolize the market? Not in the slightest. Why? Because their growth and take over of the market is fueled by banker subsidies. The hidden inflation tax that the the banks can levy by printing infinite money that steals its value from the value that we give it in our lives.
- In fact, soon corporations will personally levy taxes from their workforce. It was revealed that Amazon's Jeff Bezos has been offered the opportunity to build his new headquarter somewhere where all council/city taxes that would be levied by the local government from people who work for Amazon will be placed in a special fund that Amazon will control. This means that all infrastructure, like roads and parks, that will be built around the headquarter, will be paid for by Amazon employees, and there will be a sign on all of this infrastructure that will say: "Brought to you by Amazon".
- This is what is meant by "corporatism", or the "corporate takeover of America". But this goes far beyond America. These are global changes taking place wherever multinational corporations have extended their tentacles.
- All these Megacorps will eventually be offered the same deal. Democracy died a long time ago, but the illusion is slowly fading away to reveal the corporate structure of the State. So what does this new corporate power allow the corporations to do?
- They are becoming the new de-facto authorities. They get to make the rules. Have you ever read the "Terms and Conditions" of their services that you must accept if you want to access their services? They basically mean you forfeit all of your democratic rights to them. And what is this all leading to?
- The end of Customer Service and Accountability. We've all experienced the frustrating and gumption getting experience of having to seek redress to a problem we encounter with a service provided by a Megacorp.
- Customer satisfaction is a thing of the past. People my age, when they encounter a simple problem, need to wait
daysWEEKS to find resolutions to problems that can manually fixed in a few minutes with a simple toggle switch on our account, or at the very least, entering a manual command with a prompt. So Why? Why do Megacorps purposefully treat their customer's like shit? - Because they actually have no need for our money and our business! They get infinite 0% interest FED money to finance their growth and market dominance, kill competition from enterprising and solution-oriented groups of individuals... They are MONOPOLISTS who see themselves as colonizers of the masses of the world... They are fueled by Satan and serve only one purpose: destroying our spirit and dominating us by crushing our very realistic and reasonable expectations, making it seem like we are powerless... The reason why such companies exist, is not to facilitate business and transactions in a speedy way. It's to trap us in a system that will ultimately enslave us and shit all over our hopes and dreams because we wrongly entrust them with our power, thereby tricking us to become dependent on them for basic services that we could essentially perform for ourselves without them!
- Maybe I am just the most unlucky person in the world. Except I'm not, they're doing it on purpose.
- My latest uphill battle with a Megacorp has been dealing with PayPal. I needed to send a small amount of money from China to the European Union to repay a friend for a loan he made to me a while back when I was strapped for cash. I went to my Chinese bank and inquired about making a transfer, and they told me that to make a 100$ transfer, I needed to pay a 75$ transfer fee. I said okay, no problem China, I'll just do what anybody in this situation would do, I'll get some bitcoin, cash it out in the UK and pay my friend that way, circumventing the archaic SWIFT system altogether.
- So I get my satoshis, head to localbitcoin, and find an offer for somebody offering higher than the current market value paying through PayPal, essentially covering the fees of the service. Great, I have a PayPal account, I've used PayPal in the past, this should be really easy!

- I fell for their gimmicky trick. Again. I always do. I trust these corporations to fulfill the contract I assume we have engaged in when I use their service. Except that I've had to come to the realization that the "contract" I assume we are engaged guarantees only one thing: I will always get screwed over by these fraudulent Megacorp entities with zero accoutability and zero customer satisfaction guarantee.
Guys and gyals, mark these words. They do it on purpose.
- PayPal has, in a pernicious sense, blocked my account, in the sense that I can receive money transfers on it, but I cannot send my money to another PayPal account, nor withdraw it to my bank account. There's an option to do that, in case that's not obvious. They advertize the service as something that will allow me to manage my money. But in reality, I send my money, and then it's their money, and I can just go fuck myself.
- Don't believe me? Go quickly check out the aboutpaypal.org website. PayPal is an elaborate money laundering scam.
- I supposedly paid over 15 dollars in fees to receive 200+ dollars. That's supposedly the contract I assume I've entered with them. Except that's not what the contract states. Once I send them the money, in legalese, it's their money. Pure and simple. And they can choose to give it back to me, if they feel like it. If it doesn't serve their money laundering scheme's interest, they simply don't have any obligation to give it to me. Once I decided to use PayPal, I kissed my money goodbye.
- If that wasn't outrageous enough, I had to spend another handful of dollars to call their service up, wait in the line for hours behind people with the exact same problem as me while they taxed me some more. Then when I spoke to a customer service agent (a clueless wonder somewhere in some delocalized region of the world that has absolutely no idea about anything), I was told that they would forward it to the appropriate department, look into it and fix my problem. So after it didn't get fixed after 3 days, I called again. I got the exact same answer. I called a third time, and supposedly my "connection was bad and they couldn't hear me" and hung up. So then I sent them an email, because that will solve my problem, right? So after a day, I get an automatic response with useless information that had nothing to do with my problem. It says to reply to this message if it doesn't solve my problem. So I reply simply saying "real human look into this please." A day later, I get another automatic response. The same one. So I reply to that one: "real human please look into the nature of this matter". And I get an email from "Rose", who assures me that nothing is wrong with my account and that I can make a transfer or withdraw to my bank account. I'm on my 4th email now, and waiting.
- PS: both errors on my account come with this simple message. "Please contact the Customer Service Center if the problem persists."

- So what do I make of this? I realize that I'm just a meaningless cog in their machine. I realize I have no recourse. There's no "justice" in this world. There never really has been, but today, as we teeter on the verge of an Apocalypse, it's painfully clear...
- Maybe it's just because I'm waking up. Maybe because I have been lied to so much by these corporate entities. I don't know why. PayPal is just the latest. In reality, this happens every single time. Sure, maybe I can use a service for a certain amount of time and it will work as intended. It'll work until I get used to using it and would have a hard time living my life without it. I guess that's what all their algorithms are really designed to do. That's why they're so keen on collecting all those user activity metrics... Because as I explained above, it's certainly not "to make better products for users." Because they don't need products to make money. They just need to be sophisticated instruments of control, and once they have an ungodly amount of control over our lives, because we give them all of our power and rely on them to do things that we should be able to do for ourselves; the algorithms pick up on this and start extorting us and enslaving us.
- Sure, go ahead and say I'm wearing the tin-foil hat. Because The Guardian hasn't covered it yet. Because the Amazon-Jeff-Bezoz-owned Washington Post said it wasn't true. Sure, go ahead. But we all have encountered these problems. And how much time and energy has been expended dealing with these companies... You think they don't track that? You think they don't have a metric? Why is the first thing they ask when we call these Megacorps help centers is to identify ourselves? They're tracking all of it. They're measuring the amount of control they have over our lives.
- This recent lesson I've learned with PayPal is for me the straw that has broken the camel's back. I no longer hold the childish, naive belief that I have some kind of "fair deal" with these companies. I realize all they want is to control my life. That's why they make me crawl to them begging for help. Well no longer. If a service I'm using stops working, I'm just writing that corporation off.
I'm not putting up with their subliminal enslavement any longer...
We Need To Recognize What These Experiences Are Subliminally Conditioning Us To Accept.
Adios Billionaire scum. Good luck building your New World Order without me.
So yeah, I'm angry. As my Soul protests and fights this dehumanizing treatment, twists and turns in pain from the fact that their attempts at enslaving me are proving effective, despite my awareness of the problem...
But like what Jung wrote about... "In rage lie the seeds of considerable strength of will and survival capacity." What I take from all this, is that the fire of the calcinatio... This rage and powerlessness that I feel faced by this system, that I seemingly had nothing to do with the creation of ((though not actually since in my purest form, I realize that I am an Eternal Being that has always existed...)... I realize that it is leading me to my freedom, independence, self-love...
I realize that we are all becoming more powerful and indomitable than we had ever previously dared to dream...
So I invite you all on this journey...
Don't lose your Soul in this Matrix that has been erected around us...
Struggle... Resist... Fight...
Learn to contain this calcinatio...
This Fire that Burns Inside All of Us...
Rise my Fellow Brothers and Sisters...

Peace and Love
Sources: Morpheus-Quote1 / It-Is-Incumbent-On-Every-Generation... / Neo-Quote / Morpheus-Quote2 / Morpheus-Quote3 / Rise Up
That was too long for me to read, but it's worth noting this part in regards to the baby boomers:
Remember, these guys are the ones becoming adults in the 60's and 70's. You know, the era of peace and free love and rampant drug use?
They were saying much of the same things you are. Now they aren't because they're in the positions they were complaining about previously.
So where will you be in 30 years? :P
Also, Amazon is profitable now. There are plenty of problems with mega corporations but investment capital isn't really one of them. Investment capital is a good thing, it's the only way people can start their own companies and get ahead... there's definitely some insanity with the things investors choose to fund though.
And you touched on the whole jobs going away thing but don't like universal basic income... do you have another idea? I really can't think of any solution for the jobs we're going to start losing very, very soon.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Hi Telos,
Thank you for at least giving a whack to this long diatribe of mine! I commend you for it lol! (seriously, thank you for your interest!)
(I apologize in advance because this reply has gotten even longer than the original post lol... I seem to have a bit of a problem with length lol. I'll try to work on that.)
Yes, you are absolutely right! They were saying a lot of the same things I am saying.
But I'll tell you something. Very few in my generation are able to express something like this. They're so terrified of actually facing any semblance of truth, they just want to party and consume and forget...
My generation is far from perfect
If anything, we inherited all the worse traits of the Baby Boomer's traits...
Instead of hippies, we have hipsters, LOL
At least hippies were against branding and big corporations! Hipsters fully support them, all the while claiming to be alternative and divergent or something... It's a lot of bullshit.
Even me... I have these grand revolutionary plans and expansive philosophies, trying to save money and make big moves. Getting my shit together, you know?
I still will buy a pair of Nike shoes and get a Samsung phone... So believe me, I'm a victim of this system as much as the next guy... I fall for their shit too. And I agree, not all of it is bad either... I try to remind myself not to look at it too black and white... But there is still some subliminal messaging to read from our society. There are some things that are true, no matter how you look at it.
The day Nike makes a shoe that breaks for no reason or my Samsung phone starts fucking me over, I'm done... I will never buy those again. As long as the system plays fair, I won't hate on it. But the second it starts thinking it's bigger than all of us and can do what it wants... As consumers, we still have that responsibility to boycott them and stop buying their products... It's just common sense
I won't lie though. I hate these corporations... I hate how they treat human beings and the planet. They represent the absolute worst aspects of the human condition. It sucks and also something does need to be done about them, though I'm the first to say the only thing we can do is change ourselves. We can't "change the world". That's what the hippies said and they never bothered to change themselves and just passed on all the problems to us lol.
And I know why I hate them.. It's because they so often have me by the balls. Because they manage to convince me that I can't possibly live my life without them... It's insidious... They have that control over us... And it fucks us up on a psychological level, you know? We start acting strange and being disconnected and out of synch with ourselves... That's how mental illness starts...
I hate that I can't even relate to my peers without dealing with these corporations.
That's why I get pissed when my peers don't get cryptocurrency. They don't get VPNs. They don't get safe browsing... And worst of all, they compromise you and all your information on stuff like Facebook, sharing your personal details with the world for the NSA to read... It's ridiculous...
No. Our generation has a lot of problems...
But as I'm leaving the end of my adolescence and finally becoming a man, I have that last bit of adolescent anger at the previous generations I have to come to terms with. It's what I'm going through right now. (Like I said, I'm only 22 and it's my first year living on my own, on the other side of the world, away from family, completely financially independent. I dropped out of uni because of the beliefs I highlighted in this article... I'm definitely doing my best to put my money where my mouth is at, if that means anything at this stage)
I gather you read my main 3 points of contention?
Amazon is not profitable! What? Just because they might post a billion dollar profit here or there does not make them profitable! A billion dollars with a market share like that is peanuts! It's insignificant! And all that profit just gets reinvested into the company... I mean it might as well be a non-profit and they'd might as well pay no taxes lol! Bezos is a predatory monopolist. And not only that, he's probably the single most influential person in the corporate takeover of America that comes to my mind... Name me one billionaire who publicly hates democracy and representation more than this guy? He's one of the worst...
Investment capital? Sure. You mean like the Stock Market before World War 2? You could argue that makes sense. Since Ronald Reagan? Investment capital? We both totally agree, investors choose to invest in that "quick cash" Casino Gulag of Wall Street... It's nuts and cocaine and steroids all mixed together in a Redbull Cocktail.
All is see is Mergers and Acquisitions, consolidations of businesses, intellectual property hoarding...
Basically just a class of billionaires buying up every shred of innovation that is produced by anybody and adding it to their asset sheet.
There's not a major multimillion dollar service that's not owned by the 0.001% of businesses execs... They get their greedy mitts in there, and who could turn down their money for their business? It would take either a Forest Gump type moron possessing incredible virtue or a perverted sadomasochist with a fetish for resisting temptation to not sell out to these guys. They own the world!
As for universal basic income... Yeah, I have another idea. I'll posit a short disclaimer though. It requires a lot, a lot, a lot more work and energy and determination and dilligence and....... Most people won't do it, they'd rather passively become slaves of a scientific dictatorship and live in a fear-driven society. They'd rather choose the path of least resistance...
I can't do that. That's not living to me. I want to feel alive... Not a slave to my addictions and neurosis.
What's my other idea?
It's the advice I give myself and anybody who asks me:
"Stop depending on a government which is becoming a fascist institution run by the banks and corporations to enslave you in a technocratic nightmare to save us. Stop depending on the banks and the megacorps too."
This is the other piece of advice I give myself:
"Get out off the city. Stop consuming the bones of this dying world. Form your affinity group. Get your own shit together. Plan for the future. Be realistic about the changes that are coming down the pike. Start working on your projects. Execution. Practice. Discipline. Courage."
I'm trying to train and prepare myself for the coming War that is coming. I'm thinking of finding a piece of land in the global south where intelligent, skilled, free-thinking people will be able to come together, grow their own food, run their own commune, train themselves, live freely away from the horror of the post-modern world. Able to start a family and raise children somewhere where they won't get damaged the minute they walk out the door.
It's massive amounts of work, but way better than going to work for some corporation and giving them our time, energy and dedication for "market rates" (not to mention the stress and anxiety of either needing to block out how fucked the world is, or realizing how fucked it is and thinking about the fact one is doing nothing about it)
Thank for stopping by! Hope you follow and stay tunes for some more (thought?)-provoking posts hahaha :)
Also I hope I did not offend you if you're a 40 or 50 year old... I know I'm generalizing. It's just the kind of article I haven't seen written yet and I thought it had some novelty in terms of a feeling many my age would relate to.
Every generation has to come and destroy the previous and get destroyed by the next LOL, that's just spiral dynamics!
I'll follow your channel and see what other kind of ideas you've got going :)
You did make some interesting point.
Peace and Love to you!
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I was already following you. You'll probably hate most of the stuff I write but thanks!
Now, your commune idea might be fine for you but it isn't a solution to the actual problem. Traditional farming can not feed the world's population. It's literally impossible for everyone to just go live in communes without significant reduction in the world population.
As to Amazon a quick google had articles saying they'd been profitable the last 8 quarters, but now I'm seeing different numbers. Reinvesting back into the company is actually a good thing though. That's how jobs get created!
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Who said anything about traditional farming?
I'm talking aquaponics and hydroponics. I'm talking about incredibly advanced farming techniques capable of producing an abundance and diversity of food the likes of which traditional farming has never been able to.
Actually, I think de-urbanization would be a rather potent solution. I also think there's enough energy on the planet to support tens and tens of billions of people, but not with the current modes of production and consumption of today...
The problem with today is everything is really far away from everything else... My tomatoes come from one country, my carrots another, my bananas another...
Think about how much energy goes into running such an insane system? Just because it's "profitable" (through marketization, commodification and exploitation of indigenous people's and their lands resources).
If only food production was successfully localized and people knew how to get water out of the ground and purify it for drinking... And people we're completely self-reliant for food (even in a rather small plot of land), self-reliant for water, and possibly even self-reliant for electricity through solar power
This would drastically reduce the current mean ecological footprint of humans... Possibly as much as by 75%.
And what I truly advocate, is a form of communalism, i.e.: voluntarist localities administered via direct democracy, and then organized not up-down but rather down-up, eventually forming loose/decentralized federations that communities are free to secede from at any point.
So it goes, small communal commune where food, water and electricity is locally produced, collectively owned and voluntarily administered via direct democracy > collectives of small communal communes in a geographic region forming a network of communes that can exchange resources and produce > organized into federations that govern rather larger and significant regions...
Federations are project that all the communes voluntarily join in...
The way land gets divided should be according to "dwellings"
Whoever claims land, either by buying it from whoever was previously dwelling there, or simply by reclaiming/squatting an unoccupied land that is "owned" by somebody unwilling to use the land for human use, they get a claim to a fair living space...
But it's not "their" land... It's "the land"... But they have "their space" on the land...
Allocation of land can be done on the basis of the area of the land divided by the number of dwellers... It can be divided on several basis... Also, once a communal commune has been established, they can accept or refuse new dwellers based on the needs of the commune...
Really I'm talking about redesigning society completely...
Representative fascism and tribalism has broken down... Nationalists and the such still believe there is such a thing as ethnic identity or racial identity and purity... But this is finished...
The New World Order has nothing to do with Modernity... Post-modernism is simply a transition period to Technocratic Scientific Dictatorship that started with 9/11...
I don't think we need a significant reduction in world population.
What we need is a significant reallocation of resources away from corporate/plutocratic control
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I hadn't heard of aquaponics befeore... that sounds interesting.
At the risk of another 50 page reply:
Your federations would turn into tribalism faster than you can say aquaponics.
Human nature needs to change before we can get rid of tribalism.
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Maybe they would turn into tribalism but I think they could at least be an enlightened form of tribalism that doesn't segregate or define itself according to religion, language, race, class, ethnicity...
We could have some very very progressive tribes on Earth and that wouldn't be such a bad thing in my view.
As long as these tribes/federations respected the principle of non-aggression, then I think we would have effectively conquered and transmuted the worst aspect of tribalism: xenophobia.
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I have nothing new to teach the world. Truth and Non-violence are as old as the hills. All I have done is to try experiments in both on as vast a scale as I could.
- Mahatma Gandhi
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Violence is never the way forward. However, injustice is a threat to justice everywhere.
Peace is not the absence of violence but the absence of systematic injustice
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That's a very discerning and wise distinction to make...
Yes it seems there are two competing definitions of peace in our world.
Peace as "the period of time between bouts of violence" and peace defined as "the removal of all the reasons for violence"
Thank you for sharing xx
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Very interesting character. I like your style, fellow Steemian.
Gandhi was certainly right about some things. And lord knows, we are all as crazy as he was deep down inside... He tried to live his convictions as fully and freely as he could. I can't judge a man for being himself.
And Gandhi was certainly a self-actualized and self-realized man. I wouldn't put my blind faith in him and follow him as Ghuru, but for sure would have an interesting conversation with him!
Peace and Love!
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I agree with certain points in your post. However, even though the core truth at the center of your argument is certainly prevalent and important to discuss, I think you went about this the wrong way.
And yes, I am aware that you attempted to address the fact that you went about this the wrong way at the beginning, saying that posting this reveals a lot about your state of mind and that you have things you personally need to work on, but I still think this needs to be pointed out.
Millennials are both the most jaded/cynical and most naive generation out there. Nobody is actually teaching them how to go through life properly. Schools and institutions are trying to push everyone to go to college, something that is about 75 percent unnecessary unless you want a very specific, very skill and training-intensive career (like brain surgeon or engineer), and yet nobody is teaching them how to actually be successful in life, or how to have common courtesy.
We are human. We love to hate things. Put something big-sounding and important-sounding and conspiratorial-sounding enough in front of us, and we will EAT THAT SHIT UP. Millennials are very guilty of this. How often have you seen YouTube videos where thousands of people have posted hate comments to other creators just because their "idol" has made fun of them?
My point is this. I read through much of your post, read through a lot of buildup, a lot of "they don't understand our problems", etc. etc., and I realized that despite your disclaimer at the beginning, you are literally supporting the stereotype our generation has earned through your phrasing.
The biggest accusations against our generation are "you're entitled", "you expect life to be easy" and "you don't take responsibility". Now, just like any stereotype, these have a grain of truth to them. Sociologists have found that our generation is one of the most desensitized, self-absorbed, and entitled generations compared to most others.
While you may not be this way, and while I may not be this way, or even 50 percent of us may not be this way, the fact that this post basically amounts to "paypal sucks, corporations suck and I deserve better", along with side-arguments amounting to "everyone's out to get us, it's not our fault" (or at least it implies as such) doesn't shine too kindly on us as a generation at all.
I agree that corporations suck. Google is a joke, run by a bunch of incompetent man/woman-children who think things should be managed by a glorified chatbot. Paypal is a joke, run by about 75 percent outsourced employees who can barely pronounce English (I have personally called many times and encountered about 3/4 people who I have to constantly have repeat what they're saying), and, yes, Baby Boomers don't get it. They will never get it, and they will die not knowing or caring about whatever "it" is.
But guess what...every other generation that came before every other generation didn't get it either. When rock n' roll was invented, it was basically considered a hate crime against humanity if you enjoyed/played/attended shows. Kids were yelled at for sitting in front of the TV for too long, and still are, in fact. Adults from different generations simply don't understand newer generations, ever. There have been plenty of people from younger generations who have said almost the exact same thing you are, in very nearly the same way.
In the end, the struggle of young vs old will always be an issue. It just happens to be much more visible now because the Internet exists, and you can post your opinions publicly, for free, and, in this case, with the potential to get paid.
Just keep this in mind...it's easy to cause sensationalism and create a revolution among inner circles and niche groups, maybe even to have it spread to a wide audience and resonate with thousands, millions, and so on.
However, what will be left after you've said your piece and created a stir? What will you do afterwards? How will you back up your claims, double down? What will be your call to action? I didn't see any specific call to action here, other than "rise up" and "join the fight". How are you fighting? What are you doing to resist the oppression the older generation is putting on you?
These are all questions you should be able to answer easily and without hesitation. If you truly want to create, or even lead, a revolution, you need to be ready to take on all comers and answer the hard questions.
Other than that, your post was well-written.
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Wow! This was certainly some tough love @noughtshayde! Thank you for that!
I hope I didn't rub you the wrong way... These are literally all left-over feelings from my teenage years that I repressed by smoking too much weed, and now that I'm taking responsibility for my life and trying to take it in the direction of my dreams, this anger is coming out.
I think I covered the aspect that it is developmental with the Jung quote (which he was 100% correct about). It's about separating from the parent's generation.
You're absolutely right. Every generation has done this, and must do this. But some generations have some more interesting results than others...
And while I did touch on it briefly, OMG, I could go on and on about how fucked up our generation is. Our generation is probably more fucked up than the Baby Boomers. I'm just saying the Baby Boomers could have given us a bit more fair-warning, but that's also the point of my article, they didn't see any of it coming.
My point is this: we're in a fricking gargantuan mess. And I know this piece is sensational, I really did try to give a warning to the fact that I purposefully sensationalized it. (Not only because of the onslaught of "the millenials are too privileged" and all those stereotypes which are the exact denial that I was talking about earlier)
And I guess you should definitely subscribe if you would like to receive the oncoming calls of action I'll be broadcasting, lol! Here is my first post about the Imp Unity Revolution that you can take a quick look at if you would like to know more about the work I want to do with my life and this cause.
What is my call to action? Defect in mass and withdraw all support from the corporations, banks and governments by 2020 or face the consequences of being trapped in the 4th industrial revolution 1984 hell world and damning your kids to slavery, I suppose.
I'm definitely going to detail courses of actions, not only that I will be taking, but also recommendations and practical considerations that might inspire others... I'm just getting started on the topic, for sure. I think you and I can both agree that adding anything more to this article would make it unbearably long for most lol.
As for what am I doing to resist the oppression the older generation is putting on me?
waking the fuck up to all the nasty internal fuckeries in my shadow that I inherited from them that I need to recognize, assimilate and transform, as well as taking concrete steps to gathering important resources, doing essential work, and basically planting the seeds of my and my real life affinity group's road to emancipation and freedom.
It's still definitely an uphill/ongoing battle, but things are beginning to turn, after a year of grinding it out and facing the worst loneliness of my life. Lol. I love the challenge! It's fricking spiritual telling yourself you're gonna change the world or die trying! And when you realize that to change the world, you must begin with changing yourself? Wow, the possibilities are endless, really.
I hope that clarified some of the things I said or what I meant by them? Or at the very least excused me a little bit for being super sensational and validating the stereotype against our generation?
I think it's a stereotype that we're all (especially older generations) aware of. But how many in our self-absorbed generation have the guts to tell it from our point of view? Again, I've read 0 articles like this one anywhere on the internet, so I felt it was a bit of a novelty.
I'm glad you felt it was well-written! Mash'allah!! <3
Most importantly I really want to thank you for your thoughtful input... There's definitely some useful information in your critique that I take to heart and will keep in mind for future posts! All the points you raised were worth raising, and I really felt how personally involved you were with this!
I'm glad that we are indeed human, after all :)
And I try not to only hate things! But let's face it! Hate is an expression of love, just in a backwards and inverse way! All my views of hatred I expressed in this article are rooted in a deep and profound love of life, humanity, our planet and the Cosmos/Mystery/Creator thing :)
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I understand where you're coming from, and I do think your post was relatable to the vast majority of millennials out there. i had a very hard life growing up and learned the value of hard work very, very early, had to grow up really fast, and didn't really get to have much of a childhood, so in a sense I have a foot in both camps.
I do, in fact, think that people should boycott companies if they are found to do exceedingly amoral things. i think it's important to keep children and young adults away from manipulative or misleading media. I also think that, yes, the older generation doesn't quite get it.
But as i get older and look at all the schlock on TV and the crap kids think is entertaining on YouTube nowadays (the paul brothers, lele ponz, and more than half the "kid's channels") and I hear a lot of the music coming out (like trap) that sounds like mindless noise to me, i can sort of see where the older generation is coming from.
In a sense, I believe both generations are very similar in many regards. We look at cartoons now and say "wow what a shitshow". Adults when we were kids looked at cartoons and said "wow what a shitshow". Both of our generations looked at the generation beyond and wrinkled their noses in disgust and confusion many a- time.
I think it's important to look at both angles every now and again and maybe sort of see why people act the way they do, and i think it's important to rally together when a big company or organization does something awful and put our foot down and say "no".
The main issue, just like in comedy, is timing and delivery. When to say it, and how to say it so you can get a good following with a common, easily-identifiable cause.
I am glad you took the time to read my comment fully and deal with criticism so maturely and seriously. It really does speak well of your development as a person.
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Gen X'er reporting in!
LOL You millenials are hilarious. You haven't done anything but stare dumbfounded at your phones.
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Hahahaha! I take your point to heart xD
You wait and see what we're gonna do
It's gonna blow your little college-educated asses out of the water! xD
Lol, all trolling aside, I really agree with you... We've been a horribly misled group of youngsters... Might think of us as a lost generation, who knows... I'm praying my generation will start waking up soon.. I see the signs everywhere...
But you are right, 1/2 millenials is a fucktard egocentric lost soul
The other ones are horribly depressed and lost, but hopefully enough will find their souls and ascend to doing great things in the world
Thanks for stopping by and reading the article! And get fucked too ;)
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deeeey-um!! boy! extremely long vents... ok so i read your post and i just smiled all through and you know what i just said to myself, even in a privileged society like yours, you have so much to be angry about. Baby boy come to Africa, come to Nigeria then we can all sit, talk, vent and plan. Your so blessed like you never know, chill.
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Nigeria is cool man. In Nigeria all you need to do is get the money and you can buy the country. You can buy the offices, buy the cities, the laws, the presidents.
You can buy anything in Nigeria if you have money
Don't get me wrong, the inequality and poverty in Nigeria is appaling... Fucking sad that such a rich country can be so unequal... So I hope you don't think I'm disagreeing with what you're saying.
Personally, I left the privileged societies of the white man and moved to China. (You should come, a lot of Nigerians here! Haha)
But for serious man, the privileged society like it is depicted in Africa is a load of bullshit. People actually feel more like shit with all of this stuff. Maybe if you take it away from them, they would miss it. But in reality nobody appreciates it. There's too much comfort man. It's a big "1st world problem" for us LOL. We get anxious and panic and forget to breath and stuff like that.
I'm definitely not asking you to feel bad for us lol. Far from that lol, I would never!!!
But the problems that we face are problems in the mind... We are mentally ill..
In Africa, yes okay, there is superstitions and other beliefs like this that can cause people to go a little mad lol, but mostly the problems are physical problems. Hunger. Disease. Lack of medications and proper resources to be healthy. Environmental pollution and stuff like this that can make matters worse.
And though I agree those are the more appalling problems... Especially to the 5 senses
I also have to be fair and paint the picture of what these privileged societies are like...
I can tell you all day about how the white man lies and pretends, will sell you fake dreams and fake lifestyle... Except you already know...
There's no love in our countries... People forget to smile. They forget to be happy.
More and more they need medications just to prevent them from wanting to kill themselves...
My brother, I will tell you why I'm angry
We are given everything (because it was taken from you guys...), and we don't even have the first idea what to do with it... Nobody lives their lives here... They are just afraid... Afraid of what?
I'll tell you... Its not normal... The same people who pillage Africa are the same people that want to control us too...
We have the same common enemy...
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Man, do you write anything short? Some of us have bosses you know?
I agree we have the same common enemy.
But you enemy is more chilvarous. At least they hide it from you. Here it's broad daylight robbery and you better not say a thing.
Doesn't stop you from being right though . We have the same enemies
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Gosh... I fucking hate the "and you better not say a thing about it"...
You're definitely right about that... The enemy here is as sophisticated as he gets...
He doesn't need to physically threaten us to control what we say, because he can shape our opinions and our beliefs...
Church, Media, Entertainment, Advertisement... To say nothing of the deep-state psy-ops and social experiments... It's so multilayered and multifaceted... Just trying to wrap one's brains around it all makes one go crazy lol.
Chivalrous is the wrong word, but I take your point. At least we are not physically threatened or intimidated unless we are becoming such a big perturbance and gathering such a big audience that we must stopped...
And usually then, they give us a hollywood show and a nice comfortable house and like infinite women to sleep with and just tell us what not to say lol.
Very sophisticated enemy indeed
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I tell you. The nice and comfortable house is not really the catch. At least theve brainwashed almost all the females to share poon like its upvotes.
Such a sophisticated enemy. ...makes you doubt you can win...
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And LOL!
Your first sentence made me laugh! Hahah!
I have a boss too, but that doesn't stop me from spending 80% of my time in the office on Steemit! I've just gotten really good at doing 80% of the work in 20% of the time!
Work smart, not hard, as they say ^^
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I just calmed down to read this now. And this is the closest I have come to understand what it means to be white.
Even here in Nigeria my situation is good enough for me to understand how comfort causes certain diseases of the mind.
You cannot attempt to solve a problem that does not exist.... And yet your soul yearns for self actualization.
😂😂😂. It's funny, very funny. But a sad soul wrenching kind of funny.
The type that makes you want to sit with a tub of ice cream and watch a season marathon. 🤤
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Awww man... So true...
Wow, I brought you the closest to understanding what it's like being white?
Am honored... We're a complex bunch... Not quite physically Asian, not quite spiritually African, not quite mentally Penguin...
What we are and for what purpose where we brought here? God only knows xD
But some of us are truly beautiful and capable of amazing things. (Thank God too!)
The rest of us? Well, we have the worst traits of all the people of the world!
Frickin ice-people vampires LOL
I have a hard time associating with these kinds...
But I was reminded by many along my journey that the colour of skin is the least significant part of a man's being, even if in many's eyes it's the most important part, the only thing they see...
But if we learn to stop judging a book by it's cover, and instead to learn to appreciate by the content contained within it's pages... If we learn to understand where other's come from, what they have lived, how they have experienced life... Then we build bridges between our hearts...
United, I truly believe, nothing can stop us
Peace and love brother xx
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Man u really do not like to right short things do you? for that reason am not saying anything cause you will just go on and right till tomorrow!! what is that?? so you white folk are confused we live in a mad society in Nigeria. we have a common enemy. period. when do we sit and talk? :-D
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WOW ! I'm 67 years old, self-employed, and NOT on social security. Why ? Cuz its gone, stolen, spent, and I refuse to give the thieves license to steal from you to pay me. Sorry. Did my part. God is my provider, anyway. Not the U S treasury, aka, empty box. *-)
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Wow! Now this is one of those Baby Boomers that stayed true to his youth's ethos!!!!!!
I love Hippies who didn't sell out and go corporate!
I totally rate and honour you good sir (or mam, but was written like a sir)! Thank you for being an inspiration and keeping the flame of peace and love alive!!!
The intergenerational love is what it's all about!
Fathers mothers daughters and sons that's all we are!! Brothers and sisters!
Peace and love to you xx
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@gpa1950 is the man! I encourage you to check out his blog and support him. . Mofo is living out his bucket list dream of the following: " Hey, first time poster, beginning the dream of a lifetime. Bought a sailboat and am going to sail it down the Mississippi River to the Carribean ( ALSO A FIRST TIME ) and decided to share the adventure with others. " . . . Pretty fuckin' cool!
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Thnx, dawg, much appreciated
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Yo, I didn't even clock! That's frickin kewl!
Yasss! I am definitely supporting this! Followed and cant' wait to hear about this adventure!!!
The Caribbean is also my next destination after I've made money in Asia!
Hope to meet you there one day! Careful on the waters! Safe travels!!
And thanks @rawdawg for pointing this out to me! Much appreciated!!!
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Adventure resumes in a week *-)
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Thnx. If i were your age, i would channel that rage into a determination to get elected to congress and help Trump drain that swamp *-)
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Hahaha @gpa1950
No thank you. If I could get rid of my passport and just cross borders freely I would do that. I'll keep my American passport until the day the IRS tries to come after me to extort me. Then they can kiss my American citizenship goodbye. I never lived in the US, I just have an American passport through one of my parents.
Asia is the future. This is where I'm channeling my energy! And most of it isn't rage, thank god!
Anarchist for lyfe
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Too bad, I believe America is the worlds bst hope, cuz the ppl are great. We just need to clean up Washington ! Yer always welcome here *-)
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As a GenX I feel pretty screwed by the previous generation as well. I was told to 'harden up', 'work hard and you'll be able to live comfortably', etc. I'm getting near forty now and have watched my chances of living as comfortably as my parents fade away into hopes of finding money buried somewhere. At least then I'll be able to buy a damn house or an apartment with a chance of paying it off before I'm too old and senile to work effectively enough to earn money. When I'm told that I should stop buying avacado on toast for breakfast, I become furious. I save everything I can and only spend money on what I can re-sell again later or invest. When I say "my stereo is broken, and no, I haven't replaced it yet" my parents assume it's because I am simply too lazy to get around to it. The fact of the matter is that I get home at 7:30 at night, make some food, and then freeze in my crappy unheated apartment as I sit under a blanket refusing to spend money on a stereo when I should be putting it into stocks or a small business or ANYTHING that will help me get ahead.
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Same age, similar experiences and perspective. Feelin' this.
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Thank you @rsbosse!
Right? I think this is something that when properly articulated is actually a pretty widely spread feeling among our generation... Some will just be like "whatever just relax, chill and relax", but they're also the ones who are gonna get hit the hardest by the coming changes...
Working at H&M and McDonald's ain't a way to live a life... What to do when that's the only thing left around to do? Just keep doing that and drinking and partying for ever?
It's a trap
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Haha, right?! Stopped drinking a few days ago and stopped smoking about ten days ago after too long. Not sure how long but it literally felt like a trap and was going to kill me. So I decided to take back my power. I've come to a place where even if things don't crumble living this way makes me happier. And that's what I am after nowadays. Now being happy to me isn't ignoring anything. Oh on the contrary, but for the first time in my life I feel like I am following what I am meant to do. It truly boggles me how folks can meander through the day not aware of what's happening around them but then again the average football broadcast is 3 hours long, the game itself is 60 minutes, there are actually a little over 11 minutes of actual football action played in those sixty minutes and then all throughout approximately 100 hundred commercials are broadcast.... wow. The struggle is real, but we need to keep fighting. I have kids and refuse to be complicit in handing a world worse off to them. Thanks a bunch!
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Good on you!
I'm not a fan of drinking.. I gave up weed since I moved to China. I've been off it for about a year. But I still smoke cigarettes... That's my main vice these days...
Even when I feel good, am well rested, eating healthy, doing exercise... I still feel I need that "reward".. Even though cigarettes fucking suck... But I guess I still feel they bring something to my life...
Hopefully I will be able to put them down forever soon.
I periodically try to go for several days without it, and go running instead..
I think I have the right approach.. I'll get over them.
Omg your point about football lol. Forget about it!
I can't get behind the modern gladiator stuff... But then again, without hip hop and my music I'd go crazy and probably resort to stuff like that to forget...
The world is stresssful these days.. I know why people just want to stick their head under the ground like an ostrich... But that's not gonna fix anything!
Gotta keep striving!
You're welcome, and seriously, it's me thanking you!
Peace n love xx
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@clasre I know right!! Baby Boomers were part of the most incredible and awesome youth movement in hundreds of years... But they got corrupted... They were simply bought out by the system, and convinced to send their kids into the meat grinder... And once they had so much to lose, they were afraid of reverting to a world like before WW2. They were shocked by their parents in many ways... But they forgot so much about how the world actually is... They just thought they knew everything... And acted recklessly...
Whatever, what is done is done.
And of course some of the Baby Boomers were absolute fucking legends... There's no doubt.
Really really inspiring individuals came from that generation.
But as things progressed, it all got a bit out of control I suppose... And this article is really just a psychological experiment at expressing the psychic energy, more than anything else. My parents were baby boomers, and this is honestly something I would feel ready to confidently say at their face at this age.
I totally agree with everything you said...
Oh and keep buying your avocadoes lol. It's a crime how they are pricing them, but we have to keep eating them! They're too frickin' good!
I also hope you will get a new stereo soon!
Get your money into crypto first, and then get your stereo! Hahaha :)
Thanks for stopping by and reading! <3
I thoroughly appreciated, enjoyed and valued your rant :)
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How easy would life be if everybody my age was completely connected through private cryptocurrency, and knew how to use it to conduct all of the affairs of daily life.
This is the way forward. We must wake up now and take over or it's never.
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Great points, I feel the same. The system is broken. Infinite printing money to allocate scarce resources. Therefore money itself is an inefficient allocator of resources. But most people are not educated enough to see these through. On a positive note, I believe this can be changed. Mainly through technology, that's why platform like steemit is great. Keep up the good posts.
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Agree! You're so right, money is a terrible allocator of resources.
You're also right that many have a hard time thinking in terms of economies and businesses, but hey, that's why we're here to rant about it! Jk lol ;)
Definitely lots of positive notes! Steemit is really great. I love it!
So many ways for us to save ourselves... Just have to do it !
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I hope there are more people from where you came from.
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There are some! For sure! I think we're a rarity though!
Maybe even a dying breed? Or maybe more and more?
There's no way to really know until we lay it out and see who resonates!
Stay tuned for more thoughts man, not all of it is doom and gloom! A lot of positive stuff too!
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I think an awakening is happening. Cryptos are a manifestation of that awakening. Trump could be another. Brexit too. Zimbabweans nailed it. I think we will soon hear breaking news out of Saudi Arabia, EU and Uganda. The world wants to do things differently. It is time!
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Direct Link :
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You got somethings off a bit, baby boomers were born in the late 40's to 60's gen X is 70's to early 90 then gen y oh gen Y did everyone do this to us, im a 76' baby and yeah as a child all the way to the late 90's I didn't have access to any so called tech, so I just focused on work and social life, at 18 I bought land, at 22 moved into a home, but yet, stayed alone.due too working multi jobs..point is your job as a human is to Have kids, get to it, make up for the many that just worked and worked and worked, we didnt have these crazy new ways to get income but you do, good luck😀
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I might have gotten it a bit off! Thanks so much for contributing!
Wow, that's really dope! Bought land with money you had without a loan?
That's totally my goal!
I know. I can't wait to have kids.
First the money and situation is right, the lady of my dreams is right, everything is aligned...
And it's love and baby making time!!!
I can't wait to that part of life, but I'm trying to stay focused on the present and all the hard work I need to do right now! It's okay, because hard work is also play depending on how you look at it! I like what I do and how I do it! (okay, that's a little lie! I like most of what I do! And trying to limit the stuff I don't like so much!)
Thank you so much for your support! :))
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No no no, i loaned the land as i lived with them, and also, without my parents advice and cosign i would have been in a trailer, they told me not to rent, whatever it took, i would have took years longer without them, I got the loan to build the home on my own after building credit etc. Your very kind and thanks for the long read, you have a great life ahead of you, peace. AND never give up;!✌ oh and one thing i feel i did wrong was purchasing a home before finding someone, mabe not a greatest decision, a couple has twice the potential, and it would be fun shopping together for what yall want, later.
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You also making sense i must admit
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Lots of people from the older hippie generation have told me that they thought they would do so much to change the world, and didn't. As this post shows, WE are the change that they helped create. Keep up the good fight my friend.
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I know right? I've had the exact same experience.
Yes. We gotta be the change.
We're not gonna fix all the problems ourselves, but we can certainly make a bit more of an effort than our parents did
Challenge Ourselves A Bit... Give it the Good Old College Try, This Lyfe Tyng!
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This has links to Plato's allegory of the cage. Especially the part where after finding enlightenment, you still struggle to go back to the cave, the world you know. Sometimes reality just seems too harsh to be true.
Am still patching my heart up after escaping the"unconditional love" matrix. And I always knew Governments were royally fucking us all. At least it's a bit coded in US of A. Here in Nigeria it's daylight robbery.
But as a wide man once said " if knowledge Was The cure, we would all be saved".
I hope I have the strength to break out to freedom
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Wow! Incredible comment! Yes, I'm familiar with the allegory! You've been living in the cave for so long, and when you finally break out for the first time, but then you have to return back to the cage, it's like "Whaaaaattt"!
You're so spot on! Wait- so may I ask, you experienced a Kundalini Awakening / Cosmic Consciousness Awakening too? You speak of the "unconditional love matrix". You mean that you accessed the highest realms of your consciousness and we're with God, in peace and bliss?
If you did, wow, then welcome to my family. That experience was what opened up the doors of perception for me, after which I have never been able to see the world through the naive eyes of a child, like I once could and did.
Omg. Tell me about it. Nigeria is the blind exploitation of the people as Napoleon would say "without the layer of nice Jam on top of the turd sandwich to make it go down easier"
I am in the same boat, hoping I will have the strength to break out to freedom.
But as an outsider, I can tell you this: I believe you will.
Hopefully you believe that about me, and in the end, this is all just developmental "angst" regarding the uncertainty of our destinies! It will all unfold the way it must, as long as we stay true to ourselves, I don't think we should worry too much!
We can do anything we set our minds to. As long as we're making the effort, pushing each day, striving more... It doesn't matter how many times we fall. As long as we get back up with the determination to try again a little bit harder!
Keep it real brother
Bless up
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Well, I know what a Kundalini awakening is now,....have I experienced it? No. At least not in its real sense. I doubt I can focus long enough to achieve that at this stage of my life. But I will make sure to chase it now that I know about it.
"Developmental Angst regarding the uncertainty of our destinies". Wow, @imp.unity. Ralph Waldo Emerson said something about that too, something about "no matter how tall the Himalayas and how deep deep ocean trenches get, the earth remains spherical"
Thats science if you ask me. So, we will prevail.
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I hear that loud n clear bro
Ralph Emerson! Haha my mom always goes on about him! I've never read anything of his though. Wow, you are seriously educated man. I'm glad to have you among my midst..
Kundalini awakening is not something we chase, it's something we allow to find us when the time is right...
When we are truly ready to stop fighting ourselves, and just be 100% complete within our own being... We will find a powerful alignment... It's a rush of energy that starts from the bottom of our spine, and literally blows our mind wide open and expands our awareness to the entire cosmos.
I wrote about my kundalini awakening I experienced at 18 here
If you are interested, maybe my experience would maybe paint a nice picture of what it felt like to me.
I believe this is the experience that all great mystics have undergone... Jesus in particular.. We also call a kundalini awakening an experience of "Christ Consciousness" or "Unity Consciousness"...
It's when you realize You are God and he is You and you've just been believing you are a little human trapped in a little meat body and then you realize you are the Entire Cosmos focused on one specific point.
As Rumi said: ‘You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the almighty ocean in a drop.’
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Great post! I have written similar sentiments on another platform. I agree 100%. A generation does not actually begin to assume decision making power until around age 40. I will be 40 this year. I saw 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq start, the great recession and all that. Used to work for state government but now I am a consultant. I have questioned by own parents about their generation and roles within it and the current outcomes and all they tell me is they are glad they are not in it anymore and just want to retire and relax. WTF?! (I don't speak to my parents and family much nowadays...) I have multiple kids and am divorced so I get to see full on how this system 'works.' My decision was not to control or fight the system; but rather to fight for and control my own system. That's different. As a consultant I have much, much more control over my schedule. But maybe more importantly I get to control my money more. I get to be the one who decides what I pay and to who. Ditched credit cards years ago and by the end of this year plan on owing nobody anything! Independence and privacy are two things I cherish and I advocate for both to anyone I can. At 22 you are either in for a very difficult life experience.... OR you are in perfect position to thrive in the future because you won't waste any time living within the bubble of this bullshit of a system. And it's not just here, pretty much everywhere the experience is similar (or worse.) You are on the right path but at a certain point the path must become your own. I sat atop a perch and said lots and lots and lots and lots of things for a long time, but it took me until age 36 to actually put it into motion. And you know what? People mocked me and scorned me and hated me for jumping off the cliff and trusting myself to know my wings would carry me through. Keep spreading those wings and sharing and exploring. THIS is the path forward; honesty with self and sincerity with others all translated into action that moves the situation forward. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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@rsbosse, I agree with everything you've said, you answered The Call, I especially liked the sentiments 'honesty with self and sincerity with others'. A lot of people on this platform are saying the same things as written in this post - POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Peace.
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This is what I pray to God for every day...
True, honest, genuine support.
This is the shape that it takes...
Thank you for speaking out from your heart and telling me these beautiful things... If I were to only listen to people my own age, I would be lost... Without building upon the foundations of the knowledge of the elders, it is impossible to move forward with any clarity of sight and purity of intent.
I'm going to come back and read and re-read this comment as times move on. I'm glad it will never be destroyed from the block-chain!
Thank you again so much, whoever you are, for opening up about your own life and sharing with me in a way that is so relevent to my own experience...
I believe that I put it in motion this Summer when I dropped out of college and came here to China to work on my master plan. It's an incredibly elaborate and long-term plan, but I feel I moving forward with it at God Speed.. Sometimes I have to remind myself "Not too fast Hae-Joo... The Best things in life don't come right away... They take time to grow and blossom."
It's a fast-paced world today and the changes happening are so great and impressive it's hard to keep track without our heads spinning!
Information overload is a real problem, we need to learn to seek the information we need, filter the one we don't, and make sure we are always getting access to the most cutting edge, hopefully then we're in a dynamic position to take advantages of all the opportunities!
It's a crazy ball game but I love life! I see it as a game or a ride now, since I had this dream
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Within is over!!! - Rambo
Yes. We are paying into social security and will getting back, unlike our parents.
Yes. We will be the ones that will have to pay back the trillions that we owe.
Yes. The 50 - 60 year olds scoff at us because we are renting instead of owing homes.
But it isn't the generation at fault. It is the 0.1% that is reaping 90%. It is greed.
At least we are wiser.
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Hey @thewidowmaker
Sorry, but I'm not paying back the trillions that "whoever" owes.
LOL, this will probably the first century that brown and black countries will see droves of white refugees without documents seeking asylum in their countries!
Funny how the tables can turn!
Hopefully they will accept us and treat us better than we treated them when they came to our countries seeking help and a better life
Gotta love the Global South... That's where we can find real freedom.
Fuck giving my money to criminals and terrorists.
That shit would be better stored under my mattress, or even better, stored in a crypto hardware wallet hidden somewhere in the Amazon jungle hahaaha!
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I get it. Google: the jubilee. Just keep stacking the physical stuff, brother. There is no paying it back.
All fiat banking systems eventually go to zero going back to the Roman Empire and beyond.
Two great books to read:
The Creature from Jekyll Island and The Hot Zone.
Both are horrifying but almost the same message.
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I love this meme. So true, and no ones eye are open to the truth.
I often get laughed at when i use the phrase, "we only have the illusion of freedom".
Yes, i see it everyday, how we are kept in line by the economic masters who are iver us, and jeep is in line. Upvoted
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It's true... It's just an illusion, in terms of "rights".
"Rights" are "Privileges" that can be taken away at anytime.
Freedom is a state of mind.. It's the will to defy the rules and do what one feels is right in one's heart, even when "the law" forbids it.
Freedom is the no-fucks-given attitude about other people's opinions!
Freedom from, and freedom to.
In its purest form, it's a metaphysical state of spiritual consciousness
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Baby -boomers nothing. It's not our fault most of us are just as oblivious to the new order of things as you are believed the same lie. It is even more sinister and depraved than all the steem power combined can imagine. I've been forced to think of it in spiritual terms as being a gigantic lie created and designed by the father of all lies Satan himself. Hold on to hope faith and what love you may find in this world. As you have so well spoken you know the road is gonna get a little bit bumpy to say the
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Hahaha, not it's certainly not your fault... You're not to blame for the state of the world, just mistakes were made in the past... It's human, and whatever is in the past is in the past, all is forgiven... But give us millenials some help when you can... Teach us something you forgot to tell us... Share your wisdom.. Motivate us.. Reach out to us.. Don't leave us in this mess all alone to have to fix all the problems ourselves..
For many my age, it is so overwhelming and complex, we don't even know whether to shit or go blind...
So help, insight, support, will go a long way for young twenty year olds these days... We need help from more than just our parents... Many of us have parents who simply refuse to see the truth. They just want to retire and relax... That's the wrong attitude... Nobody should leave the world worse than when they entered it.
That's like coming to somebody's house for the party, throwing up everywhere, and leaving early in the morning before the cleanup..
Stay and help out! Together we can clean up the mess much faster than if we all leave it to the current house holder
I pray our generation of millenials will learn from your mistakes and do better in this uncertain world
Thanks for your comment, and sorry for the offensive tone! I love the hippie generation. Just a little ego-checking hahaha
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I was born in 1966, at 11 years old I tattooed on my right knee ANARCHY, I got called names for 20 years for wanting politicians gone, I got abused for wanting monarchy freeloaders gone, I have spent 40 years being anti war, anti fractional reserve banking, I can count one of my friends as David Icke, save your thoughts on him please spare me, and you think we did nothing? do you have any I mean ANY idea what you are up against to change this criminal system that by design with central banks has enslaved us all? if not research it, I will be fucked if I will let you blame my generation, go back 200 years to Natanian Rothschild, and you may find the answer, then get down the rabbit hole further and reasearch Sumarian tablets that make up the whole fairy tale that is religion today, then come back, "I care not what puppet is placed on
the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...
The man that controls Britain's money
supply controls the British Empire.
And I control the money supply." Nathanian Rothschild, now grow a pair, and stop blaming my generation.
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I will sum up the fight even better than that, since I have been on here for 2 weeks a battle has been going on with someone raping the rewards pool or so it seems, I have seen it hope you have, now imagine me at 37 reputation and you at 54, plus another 1 zillion of us wanting to change the situation, all the same level, could we? and there you have the underlying answer, NO. and that is life bro, you got to learn to deal with what you got, if you are in China, check out ADVChina on youtube, they are in china, 1 south African dude and 1 Canadian, also laowhy86 on youtube and serpentza , these guys make some serious money on yt, and are real good fun to hang around with. stay AWESOME.
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I am literally privy to everything you just said and made it LOL!
I hope you don't feel I was criticizing the Baby Boomer's in the late 50s, 60s and early 70s... It's what happened in the 80s and 90s that's disgusting... Baby Boomers sold out!!!
And then many look at millenials and think to themselves "the world is fucked"! Well yeah, all of our heroes from your generation either died from drugs, violence, political imprisonment, or they sold out and went corporate, made a fortune, and retired comfortably never to be heard again from...
What kind of an example is that for the future generations?
There's no doubt that the music from your generation was some of the best ever made in history. There's no question that your generation was revolutionary and did change the world... The problem is many, many, many in your generation grew out of your rebellious youths and sold out... You bought stocks, took loans, bought properties, and now you're doing good...
You think there are loans for millenials LOL.
We had to literally invest a new form of raising money called "ICOs" hahaha because there's no way to raise money anymore...
And it's baby boomers who are in the government right now, who control the situation... And what are they doing?
They're for the most part insulting millenials and telling us the world is fucked... Hahaha, as if we didn't know!
Thanks for the good example, is the way many of us are feeling.
I also really appreciate David Icke's work. To me, the reptile people from planet X who control us from the Hollow Moon does have a lot of credibility... Especially since nobody in any position of authority will ever let us independently investigate these things... They're more interested in disinformation campaigns and preventing people from asking questions, which is also a big red fleg...
Yes, the Annunaki and the Ancient Astronaut theory are the only other explanation I've found aside from Terence McKenna's Stoned Aped Theory to explain the evolution of Man... I loved Ridley Scott's take on these ideas in his Prometheus movie, which showed very well the Ancient Astronaut idea... The Sumerian tablets are very interesting.
I literally have been watching ADVChina since I got here... Except Cmilk is from New York, he's American, not Canadian. But they hang out with a lot of Canadians (one of them just moved to Taiwan).
Oh and yeah, definitely! Ber...ndrs / Tra...sto / Gru....At
I know who are the racketeers running this platform!
I've been writing comments about here or there...
Yeah, I believe Steem is a definitely a pump and dump coin controlled by a few guys (or one?) who controls most of the rewards pool... They certainly get upset when others start taking profits out of their pocket. And because it's really inflationary, it's based on bringing in new investors, but I think most investors who will come to this platform will eventually get rinsed, or realize they should have invested their money anywhere else...
Still, I love Steem, just to be able to network and communicate with others in a really dynamic and engaged community...
You might like this post I wrote just the other day about the "zillions of us" versus the "few of them" "Social Experiments and Our Fight for Ours"
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Hahaha, also: I am definitely growing a pair!
That's the ultimate plan
To learn the lessons from your generation, and carry the torch of freedom further, and try to pass it on to the next generation even brighter!
I'm actually incredibly incredibly grateful to all previous generations... I just had to write this... It's developmental.. Separating from the parental unit
My parents are baby boomers, and far from being perfect, they are real role models for me... I try to emulate the best parts about them, and do better in the parts that they could have done better with
Your generation was great, there's no question!
Just try and be a little empathic to our generation
The world is a lot scarier today than it was during the "cold war"...
Did you have autonomous killing machines committing genocides in your day and age?
Mmm... I guess you had the fear of Nuclear Bombs... Scary too, but I don't know, a little less somehow
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now that is more like it, some positivity.
The thing is these things people vote for, will always try to keep you in fear, sure they have better weapons than we do, sure they have drones, and sure their friends print all the fiat bs money, and loan it to them, you have one distinct advantage though, you will never sell your soul, or let your children (should you decide to bring any into this crazy world) fight their fight for them.
And this is all it takes, is one generation of people not willing to lend their fiat currency and not willing to send their children to fight for them, maybe you are the generation smart enough not to fight the Zionist wars, I can only hope so.
And yes it was prozzie I was thinking of (Canadian) my bad.
stay safe, keep spreading the word against war, follow the rules till you decide like me to move abroad and bin the passport, and enjoy life to the fullest you can, we love you, even though it seems like a tough love, stay smart, and inventive.
You might not see it, but "we do have your back covered"
And I am not giving up the fight, till the bastards put me in the ground. x
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Great read! Love your posts and keep them coming! I will follow you if you follow me!
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Thanks @corpdetoxbliss!
Just checked out your blog. Looks like it's up my alley! Am following you! Hope for some future fruitful interactions between us! Thanks for stopping by and reading! Much love
Peace xx
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Also if you like the word "calcinatio" then you would also love "angst". Beautiful words.
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Yes!!! My mom uses that word all the time! She's a psychoanalyst and she probably uses this word more than anybody ever has! I think you're like the second person in the world I've seen use it lol!
Great frickin word! I'll treat this as a synchronicity! <3 :DD
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Nice post
There are few great point
Most of old people are illetrate
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Thanks lion-inferno!
Haha, I don't know if most old people are illiterate but they might learn something from us youngsters if they paid attention! Just like we might learn something from the old geezers if we reach out!
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Lots of good stuff here also very well written! I definitely agree that the previous generations screwed up for us. I'm not sure that the new generation is doing better yet...
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Good James
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I'm 45...
The conspiracy has been going on for a very long time. It is satanic. The good news is, we have free will. That's why they have to trick us to give up our freedoms.
The millennium generation also freely gives up their free will to the bad guys, just as my generation and those before me.
We need to focus on getting our freedom back as much as possible and not wait for the society to wake up. I have lived as a digital nomad before. I intend to do that again. That's a great way to get more freedom.
Another good news is, that the bad guys are losing.....
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