Doing this often makes men twenty years younger.

in in •  7 years ago 

Doing this often makes men twenty years younger.

Men, on the one hand, need to be successful in their careers. On the one hand, they should take care of their families, and make men tired, but their health is often ignored. In fact, men need more care than women, and more attention should be paid to their health.

  1. The man who shaves is 5 and a half years younger.

Shave the man than bearded men look 5.5 years younger. Shaving can stimulate the production of collagen in the face, making the skin more smooth.

  1. Eat less, remember more.

Less calorie intake can help reduce the risk of inflammation, and inflammation can lead to a decline in cognitive ability. Scientists say it's best to reduce the daily intake of calories by 30%, for example, 2500 calories a day, and it's better to lose 750 calories.

3, sleep more, the face is not old

4, regular exercise, young 10 years old

  1. Oral hygiene, mind more spiritual

Intelligence is obviously lower than that of healthy teeth dental patients. The reason is that bleeding gums and other problems can cause more serious inflammation in the body and cause brain damage. Often brushing and flossing, maintain oral hygiene, the brain is more sensitive to.

6, heart slow life long

To keep young, you have to have a strong heart to allow the blood to flow slowly and effectively. The average life span of a person is 3 billion times of heartbeat. If the number of heartbeats can be slowed down, the life span can be extended.

  1. Body fat, it looks old for 10 years

  2. Training the brain, young 15 years old

  3. A cup of wine a day to promote health

10, hour / sleep; 8 hours, the longest life

11, vitamin A except eye pattern

12, dry farming and longevity and longevity

The probability of farmers longevity is two times the city residents. Men should do more healthy and healthy labor, such as raising flowers, planting grass and doing farm work, and helping to live a long life.

13, eat more spinach, long muscle

Men are well - developed and look younger. Eating spinach really promotes protein synthesis and helps muscle growth. In addition, eating spinach also prevents osteoporosis.

14, the hair is short and young

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