The original text that this famous Babylonian bible is based on would be, The Father of the Beginnings has Created the Gods (luminary planets), Heavens and the Earth.
I suspect that the original opening letter Aleph, the first letter in Hebrew alphabet, was removed from the opening sentence some time after the revolt of Moses, who started the cult of the light worship, against the original Abrahamic tradition, thus by removing Aleph they have hid the Father of the Beginnings, the opening title of the Creator, implying Mother Goddess as well, turning it into banal In the beginning, and the following creation of Elohim, the planets, therefore becomes as the Creator, translated as God, however the plural form of the word is obvious, as is the inconspicuous letter Bet with with the Babylonian bible is starting, the second letter meaning the house, and being a third word in the dramatically wrong sentence is indicative that this is not the original text but a manipulated and edited version. Enough said. Hail Satan. 3:)
Picture via fb David Rockerfeller
My obligatory rant dissing the Babylonian Talmudic rabbinical apostate heretic Jews.
Moses was apostate heretic. The ten commandments are not part of the Abraham's covenant, the circumcision is. The ten commandments are that of the Lord of war as YHWH tetragrammaton aka Yahweh aka Jehovah of OT, Exodus 15:3 reads, "Lord is a man of war, Lord is his name."
Lord Jehovah is NOT one and the same with the God of Abraham, an aspect of God sure, but not the one and only true eternal God Father of Creation and Beginnings. Only unconscious need to be told not to kill, not to steal, not to do bad to things to your neighbour.
Then Jesus came and made it even easier to understand with Love one another (John 15:12), one commandment instead of ten with the same effect teaching the Golden Rule, i.e. reap what thou saw, what you put is what you get, for every action there is equal and opposite reaction, do onto others as yee want to be done onto you, or in China is more passive version of don't do unto others as you don't want to be done onto you.
All religions and science teach about the universal Golden Rule one way or another. It is only the news for the kids and idiots.
Historical Moses, aka Akhenaten, has rebelled against God of Abraham, aka Amenemhat I, and thus was prevented to enter the promised holy land, as it is written in Torah, because he was an apostate who turned away from God and started to worship an idol, as god Aten, the Jehovah, and thus has forsaken the one and only true God of Abraham and his ancestors.
The Babylonian Jews take the birth of their apostate heretic nation from Moses while actual Jews of the House of Israel take it from Abraham, excluding whole Moses and his Babylonian Talmudic rabbinical apostate heretical nonsense.
Christ is a title, it means being annointed and is reference to becoming sovereign in unity with God and Goddess as the only Child, Christ Consciousness of Universal Love, Truth, and Peace. Yes, everyone have to become sovereign to save their own soul, can't do it via a proxy.
Read all about it here:
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