"Well that's it myaan! We're living in like, 1984 now! It's inauguration day! Congrats America, you've like, literally elected Hitler!"
You don't say? NOW it's gotten bad? Yeah, I'll say. It's going to be a rough presidency alright, but the bulk of it has nothing to do with the president. Now we're going to see just how absolutely disappointing most people are when it comes to their understanding of politics and what is actually going on, that is- it's all by definition shit. But I digress.
Why weren't people going nuts over government spying? The drone program that's killing innocent people? Oh I know why, because the person who will be "in charge" now actually looks and acts like the stereotypical greedy corrupt guy. Something you would see from a cartoon, as opposed to before. Is that it? I think so. People really do judge a book by it's cover (I'm not defending Trump). That's pathetic. They really do only focus on someone's charisma and nothing deeper. They really, truly do not investigate a damn thing. Because if they did, they would already be pissed off. They wouldn't wait until NOW to get angry. It's bullshit.
It almost puts me in actual, physical pain thinking of all the artists, actors, and comedians who are all of a sudden going to transform into little knock-off George Carlins. Oh! We need to fix this nation! We're really going to head into the apocalypse now buddy! Me and Questlove are going to the studio to record an album about it! It's revolution time! Stand up for your rights sheeple! By golly, we're mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore!
Give me a fucking break.
And to the guys waving anarchist flags while busting up places today. As always, Fuck you.