Incantation - 2022

in incantation •  2 years ago 

Film: Incantation (2022)
Country: Taiwan
Genre: Horror
My rating:7.5


Ah Taiwan! Oh horror!

No Spoiler!

Plot: A most forbidden act 6 years ago brought a terrible curse upon himself.
After all these years, when the curse begins to cast its shadow on her little girl, the mother has no choice but to return to that old trauma.

Review: 100% unique no plot. Blair Witch Project or Ringu came to mind after watching the trailer.
But one thing is overshadowed by all of these, that is "PRESENTATION"!

From the opening frame it is clear that the movie is serious about the plot.
The story progresses in found footage style in 2 separate timelines. Even if it is a slow burn type, the story will keep you hooked.

Suspense is maintained till the very end. The horror imagery is disturbing enough. The faint of heart should not use headphones because the 2/1 jump scares can blow your soul away.

The ending is quite emotional. The whole world is insignificant in front of mother's love.

Negatively, the story lacked originality. The use of multi-angles in found footage movies is very unrealistic. I thought the movie would have been better if it was made outside of Netflix.

Better than on time, but don't get your hopes up. I hope it will not be lost.


내 평가:7.5

아 대만! 오 공포!

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