The first, universal merchant-backed loyalty platform
"We built Waves for applications like Incent. I'm thrilled to announce our parternship on this exciting project"
- Sasha Ivanov, CEO Waves
Incent will fuse Waves blockchain infrastructure with a huge industry, ripe for disruption and we’re launching the application token through ICO.
ICO investors will benefit from a token backed by merchant sales volume from launch
Open Blockchain technology holds the key to exploiting the manybillion dollar
rewardsorientated marketing industry, which currently suffers from fractures and
frictions that leak value and undermine participation. This paper outlines the disruptive
impact that introduction of an industrywide reward currency would have in opening up
this ecosystem, discusses the specific technical requirements required to do so and
proposes an implementation strategy that aligns industry stakeholder, consumer and
investor interests.
Rob Wilson
Peter Godbolt
Thanx @fyrstikken for the recording
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