Inception - Week 1 ( The beginning )

in inception •  7 years ago 

explore thedeepestwaters.png

Photo by Nicholas Sampson

Ok so here are my stats for my first week:


0.68 KM @ 4m07s ( No stopping, bitumen road )
1.36KM @ 8m18s ( Run/Walk, Bitumen and grass )
0.51KM @ 3m14s ( No stopping, beach sand )



Conclusion & learnings

I was privileged this week to talk to a guy who has previously run the comrades. I mentioned my goals to him and he advised to me was to focus on time, not distance and also to run at 80% capacity. So let's say I can push myself 1KM to a breaking point, I should only then run 0.8KM or if I have the capacity to run for 10min, I should only run for 8min. He says that running 80% capacity reduces injuries and also prolongs the years a person can run for. Very interesting and advice from a man who clearly knows what he is doing, I will take it to heart.

I look forward to hearing about your progress. Please feel free to share your journey here.

If you would like to read about my goals, please check out my first #inception post here

Sincerely @builtinfire

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