Miss Crenshaw believes she’s found a Stoneman Douglas young person associated with Massacre Survivor and Gun Control Activist David Hogg saying that his video was “edited and not real”.
I personally found a lot on the internet that convinced me personally that Hogg graduated from Redondo Beach High School in 2015. It’s very hard to completely scrub the internet. It seems even the shadowy hands couldn’t quite scrape everything away. Basically just google or DuckDuckGo a bit the graduation should come up even though the graduation was deleted superficially from classmates.com. We also found him in his graduation robe with his mother.
So throw this new evidence on the super tall list of narrative incongruence if you will. If we don’t stop stop looking into this, be warned Jimmy Kimmel might start calling us ugly names and he might try to whip his audience into an angry albeit mind controlled mob against us again.