
in independant •  8 years ago 

Blogging isn't my thing but citing the ever worsening corruption of mainstream media and predatory government criminality its importance cannot be overstated. Deepening outrage drove me to launch YouTube & VIMEO accounts where my video posts attempt to update and alert critically thinking groups and individuals. My partner & I own and operate a tourist guesthouse at Cervantes on the central mid-west coast of Western Australia. Here I've learned rudimentary video graphics in order to provide passable presentations that I try to limit to less than 10 minutes per episode. I'm an ex musician and author of 4 books and provide further details on our commercial website www, where the local community are desperately struggling to prevent the ecocide of fracking and the mass poisoning of water fluoridation. My experience has revealed how the rule of law has been perverted into an instrument of corporate plunder, a situation that won't change until enough people wake up and address the stark reality. My hope is that this site might help towards that goal.

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