in independence •  5 years ago 


Fifty-nine years. Yes, it's been a while we've been in power and free from the British. Sometimes, I wish we never was. Never in this case is still being ruled by the British. Perhaps my dear country would have been more exposed. Well, it might have turn out wrong, too. We will never know what is in the mind of the rulers. Talking about rulers, our President has been rumored to be ineffective. He travels and flee the country when it comes to matters relating his health, but when it was important for him to go to South Africa, he sent an envoy. I'm not here to celebrate our independence. I'm just wondering why we are celebrating. The country isn't getting any better, yet we are happy to be free from other countries having power over us. According to things I've read, our forefathers still found things easy. Although they were quite hardworking but those that were exposed got the better things of life. Exposed as in being educated.

Education, whose primary focus should be enlightening students is now seen as a means to make money. We pay huge sum to get the knowledge and lots of us gets peanuts as payment for all the years we spent getting that knowledge. Little wonder youths advance to learning a trade or scamming after secondary school. A lot of people don't want to be educated anymore because there is actually no guarantee of becoming successful if you are. And most that are educated are just like every other person that isn't. Well, the difference is the way they speak in English. It's actually not their fault but the school's. I'm not even going to talk about our poor educational system. It's that bad.

You don't even want to go to Twitter right now. The independence day isn't even part of the top four things trending. We have decided to make stupid things our top priority. We sit down hoping the leaders will do something right when we are in fact bad citizens. Giant of Africa, we call our country, but we know we've reduced in height. It's high time we stop wishing and praying for better days. The change begins with us. If we are indeed tired of the situation of the country, we should go beyond social media and start taking real affairs as top priorities not some reality TV show.

This should be a celebration post, right? I'm sure there are people like me that feels this way, too. We want a better country. We want a reason to celebrate. I just hope we won't still be the same or get worse when we turn sixty.

Happy Independence day, Nigeria.

Enjoy this song by Burna Boy. It says a lot about our situation.

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