God bless America - Happy 4th of July!

in independence •  5 years ago 


History demonstrates how civilizations are often declining and deteriorating at the same time that they are genuinely improving and progressing. I think that is what is happening today. As many nations' citizens become increasingly suspect and defiant of distant, centralized and unaccountable collective power, those who desire to consolidate power so that they may lord over the rest of us are becoming increasingly desperate and emboldened in their efforts to ensure we do not escape their stranglehold.

Romano Guardini predicted that in postmodernity both good and evil will be cleaner, purer and greater, but he worried whether man will be able to distinguish between the two. I think America, a nation "conceived in liberty" has the love of freedom in our DNA, and despite the flies of summer who are being a terrible nuisance as they buzz everywhere attempting to devour our heritage like locusts, the great majority of Americans have no interest in joining their radical, hate-filled nihilistic crusades and instead rather revere and cherish our social order and the great opportunities it affords to everyone to pursue their own happiness and fulfillment. When push comes to shove, most Americans know it is harder to create than it is to tear down and so they will not side with those who make destruction their aim and method.

Years from now, I suspect we'll look back on this year as an abomination and elaborate last-ditch effort to snatch defeat from America's triumph and impose an oppressive totalitarian scheme on a country birthed to flourish in a justly-ordered liberty. America has never been less racist, more prosperous, or provided greater opportunity to those who are willing to behave in earnest, virtuous, industrious, ambitious and responsible ways that are compatible with the norms that have emerged in man's long climb from the swamp to the stars.

America's best days may very well be ahead, even if there might be some growing pains in which it may become necessary to permit many places that are enthralled with the Progressive Project to secede and create their own CHAZes and CHOPs. The United States were created with a devotion to state's rights―the laboratories of democracy―so that each could be entitled to their own laws and to their attempts for improving society. Sometimes letting a people do what is terribly wrong is a great way, by comparison, to prove what is uplifting, ennobling, just and right. We are not teaching the horrific history of totalitarian regimes in our schools today, so it's not surprising that many are eager to make the same mistakes.

But America's Silent Majority is stalwart and loyal to principles of our Founding, aren't ignorant of history, and aren't about to roll over for a bunch of Marxist, no matter which phony banner they march under.

God bless America! Happy birthday, baby! You're the still the best! Thanks for everything.

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