Was accused of stealing a child mentally retarded woman was humiliated and killed?

in india •  7 years ago 


According to reports, the West Bengal, India, the mentally retarded woman Otera Bibi was accused by the local people to steal children, after another face hit face, stripped clothes and tear hair and other lynching. Finally, the police sent him to Jangipur Hospital for the rescue, died due to heavy injuries.


The incident occurred on Tuesday, 42-year-old Otera Bibi was accused by the local people to steal children after being abused. Local people on Otera slapping, undress and tearing hair and other humiliation. Then the police rushed to the scene, the Otera sent to the hospital, but because of heavy injuries died.

Alas it is only speculation only, everyone on the woman so cruel, there is no justice ah I hope she is in heaven, and there is no such pain.


Children are trafficked or abducted, something we can often see in the media. So, how to play with children shopping, to ensure that the child's safety?

1, if the child to the elderly with the child, when the child is small, try not to go home too far or at least two children with a child to go out.

2, as soon as possible to find their own child birthmark or bear in mind the physical characteristics, to prepare the child lost in the future, easy to find.

3, if the child will speak, and quickly taught him to remember his parents name and home address, phone number, identity card number, repeated questions children, to remember. Once lost, how to alarm, how to call and so on.

4, if the child will run, to timely strengthen the safety of children education, encounter strangers close to their own, to run away. Do not eat or take strangers anything.

5, and their children leave a signal, tell the child if the day something to send someone else to help, then you must exchange the signal to the other side to go with each other. So that you can not be deceived friends.

6, children go to school, it is best to have adults personally shuttle.

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