India: Features of Coindelta’s Flux 2.0

in india •  7 years ago  (edited)

Coindelta has made some changes to their Flux-P2P and is offering newer features. This comes just after CoinDCX announced similar features yesterday. I think other P2P exchanges in India will follow suit.

coindelta flux.png

Some of the new features are:

  1. KYC is Optional but this will result in lower limits.
  2. Secure and anonymous communication service between traders on the platform. (Calls & Chats)
  3. Zero trading fee will be charged for the first month.
  4. Trading limits per order has been increased to INR 10,00,000 from an earlier smaller sum of INR. 50,000.
  5. Orders now have SMS alerts.
  6. User Reputation system that is based on various parameters including trades and disputes raised amongst others.

Note: Please do not put anyword related to cryptocurrency when using Memo/Remark during payment feature to avoid getting into trouble with your banker.

Coindelta is a Pune, India based cryptocurrency exchange that is now providing P2P exchange services. Head over to to get started.

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This is good news. And now almost every exchange from India opened P2P for their users that is the best thing and users will enjoy P2P With their favorite exchange..
But recently I found in WazirX and Bitbns public telegram group that users are not getting their favorite pair match and they feel some boundtions in P2P..
One more fear that Banks might be create problems for users if anything find in suspicious related to Crypto and Kotak is already taken action against few account holders..

Posted using Partiko Android

@firepower, Nice you decided to share new features of Coindelta’s Flux 2.0 exchange in India. Glad to hear India already offering this. Free TX charge for first month, absolutely brilliant to hear. But SL not ready for supply this offer or exchange. Also order from SMS biggest advantages for consumers.
Thanks again for announcing Flux-P2P release.

Just to clarify. SMS alerts are for tracking trades only. You have to login to trade. You cannot order from SMS. :)

Oh now I understood better. Thanks for correct me.

ohh shit..i thought if that service was offerd like Stock brokers would have been a major move.

Wow,great ,it seems in this exchange system no one have knowledge ,means banking agencies that the particular customer is dealing with crypto currencies .Great job,really our community is the community of the most talented brain of the world,so no govt can control and stop its glory.Thanks for the great share,have a good time ahead .

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This website is the best. I signed up yesterday, Its so simple to be in cryptoworld from this website in India. Thank you so much for this post. I hope supreme court will not ban the crypto :|
Just like RBI did it

Nice content sir

Very informative article! 👍

beautiful article.. loved it