Some facts about India...

in india •  7 years ago 


Bisnoi is a Hindu community locted in western Thar desert in Rajasthan (India).

In my experience they are the most kind hearted people in the world.

They follows 29 rules (Bisnoi= vins + noi means 20+9)

Observe 30 days' state of ritual impurity after child's birth and keep mother and child away from household activities.

Observe 5 days' segregation while a woman is in her menses.

Take bath daily in the morning.

Obey the ideal rules of life: Modesty, Patience or satisfactions, cleanliness.

Pray two times everyday (morning and evening).

Eulogise God, Vishnu, in evening hours (Aarti)

Perform Yajna (Havan) with the feelings of welfare devotion and love.

Use filtered water, milk and cleaned firewood.

Speak pure words in all sincerity.

Practice forgiveness from heart.

Be merciful by heart.

Do not steal or keep any intention to do it.

Do not condemn or criticize.

Do not lie.

Do not indulge in dispute/debate.

Fast on Amavashya.

Worship and recite Lord Vishnu in adoration

Have merciful on all living beings and love them.

Do not cut green trees, save the environment.

Crush lust, anger, greed and attachment.

Cook your food by yourself.

Provide shelters for abandoned animals to avoid them from being slaughtered in abattoirs.

Do not sterilise bull.

Do not use or trade opium.

Do not smoke or use tobacco or its products.

Do not take bhang or hemp.

Do not drink alcohol/liquor.

Do not eat meat, always remain pure vegetarian.

Don’t use violet blue colour extracted from the indigo plant.
Even You cannot kill any insects in their region.

They give food to anyone who is hungry. (Included animals).

Whenever any wolf attacks on deer or any other animal. That animal generally runs towards Colony of bisnoies. Becouse they protect animals from any kind of hunter.

A picture of their kindness

A Bisnoi woman.

Khejarli - a village in jodhpur

In this village 363 Bishnois sacrificed their lives in 1731 AD while protecting green Khejri that are considered sacred by the community. The incident was a forebear of the 20th-century Chipko Movement.

You are not allowed to cut any kind of tree in their region.

To read complete story Khejarli - Wikipedia

They can give their life for any single tree or animal.

Source My friends.

Padharo mare desh!!!!!

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