My favourite passages from the Isha Upanishad

in india •  7 years ago  (edited)

This ancient book is like a Brilliant Light shining in our Universe.... it expresses the Unity of Everything. Here are some of the words written within :

The One Cosmic Existence shines through all things

He who perceives all beings as the Self for him how can there be delusion or grief, when he sees this oneness (everywhere) ?

It moves and It moves not. It is far and also It is near. It is within and also It is without all this ....

"All manifestation is merely a modification of the One Supreme Whole .... The Whole therefore remains unaltered. -

All existence is in the Absolute; and whatever exists, must exist in It;

In the light of true wisdom the phenomenal and the Absolute are inseparable.

The indefinite term “That” is used in the Upanishads to designate the Invisible–Absolute, because no word or name can fully define It.

OM! That (the Invisible–Absolute) is whole; whole is this (the visible phenomenal); from the Invisible Whole comes forth the visible whole. long as man believes himself to be separate from the Whole, he is helpless.

That is the ocean, we are the drops. So long as the drop remains separate from the ocean, it is small and weak;

That which comes out of the Infinite Whole must also be infinite; hence the Self is infinite.

...there is no difference between the Self and God. They are one and the same.

Transcending death means realizing the difference between body and Soul and identifying oneself with the Soul

..when he sees all creatures within his true Self, then jealousy, grief and hatred vanish. He alone can love.

He who sees all beings in his Self and his Self in all beings, he never suffers

We must not divide our conception of the universe; for in dividing it, we have only fragmentary knowledge and we thus limit ourselves.

.... behold the vast, radiant, subtle, ever–pure and spotless Self, the true basis of our existence.

When a man sees God in all beings and all beings in God, and also God dwelling in his own Soul, how can he hate any living thing?

He who perceives the Self everywhere never shrinks from anything, because through his higher consciousness he feels united with all life.

He who sees all beings in the Self and the Self in all beings, he never turns away from It

It is the innermost Soul of all creatures & It is without as the essence of the whole external universe...

It is near to those who have the power to understand It, for It dwells in the heart of every one - Isha Upanishad



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Very nice !! I am very newbie on hindu ancient wisdom, I am begginig with a slow lecture of Bahavad Gitta, its amazing to me to see that on almost any mexican college is being teached hindu's yogas.
(sorry for my eng, Im still practicing)

The ancient Hindu concept of the Universe is incredible.... millions of years ahead of its time.

that's true... they not even forgot cuantic physics!