GK Current Affair July 14, 2019

in india •  6 years ago  (edited)

GK Current Affair July 14, 2019

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

1.0 Who has been named the most youthful ever UNICFF Goodwill Ambassador?

a. Hima Das

b. Sonam Wangehen

c. Mille Boddy Brown

d. Hinna Asefi Wardak

2.0 Who has been named as the primary 'Youth Advocate' of the north-eastern district by UNICFF India?

a. Jahnu Barua

b. Sharmila Tagore

c. Nahid Afirn

d. Hima Das

3.0 Which of the accompanying has been pronounced as Economic Fugitive Offender, as of late?

a. Vijay Mallya

b. Nirav Modi

c. Mehul Choksi

d. Both B and C

e. These

4.0 Which one of the accompanying Paris is effectively coordinated?

a. Clash of Buxar-Mir Jafar versus Cluve

b. Clash of Wandiwash-French versus East India organization

c. Clash of Chilianwala-Dalhousie versus Marathas

d. Clash of Nizam versus East India Company

5.0 The world Adivasi was utilized just because to allude to the innate individuals by;

a. Mahatama Gandhi

b. Thakkar Bappa

c. Jyotiba Phule

d. B.R. Ambedkar

6.0 Match the rundown II and select the right answer

Rundown 1

a. Representative General of administration of fortress William in Bengal (under directing Act 1773)

b. Representative General of India (under Charter act, 1833)

c. Representative General and Viceroy of India (under Indian Council act, 1858)

d. Senator General and Crown Representative (under Government of Indian Act, 1935)

Rundown 2.

  1. Archibald Percival Wavell, Viscount and Earl Wavell

  2. James Andrew Broun-Ramsay, baron and Marquess of Dalhousie

  3. Charles Cornwallis second Earl and first marquess of Cornwallis

  4. Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, Earl of Minto

  5. Louis Mountbatten, Earl Mountbatten of Burma

a. A-3; B-2; C-4; D-1

b. A-1; B-2; C-3; D-4

c. A-2; B-5; C-3; D-1

d. A-2; B-4; C-5; D-3

7.0 His rule specialty was social and religious change. He depended upon enactment to get rid of social ills and work persistently for the destruction of tyke marriage and purdah framework. To energize thought of social issues on a national scale, he introduced the Indian National Social Conference, which for a long time met for its yearly session close by the Indian National Congress.

a. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar

b. Behramji Merwanji Malabari

c. Mahadev Govind Ranade

d. B.R. Ambedkar

8.0 Ashtapradhan was a board of priests:

a. In the Gupta organization

b. In the Chola organization

c. In the Vijaynagar organization

d. In the Maratha organization

9.0 Consider the guide given underneath:

The course demonstrated in the guide was pursued, throughout the military adventures, by:

a. Chandragypta II

b. Harshavardhana

c. Rajendra Chola

d. Malik Kafur

10.0 The term 'Apabhramsa' was utilized in medieval Sanskrit writings to mean:

a. Outcastes among the Rajputs

b. Deviation from Vedic customs

c. Early framed of some the cutting edge Indian language

d. Non-Sanskrit stanza meters


  1. Mille Boddy Brown
  2. Nahid Afirn
  3. Vijay Mallya
  4. Battle of Wandiwash-French vs East India company
  5. Thakkar Bappa
  6. A-3; B-2; C-4; D-1
  7. Mahadev Govind Ranade
  8. In the Maratha administration
  9. Malik Kafur
  10. Early formed of some the modern Indian language

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