Possesiveness redefined

in india •  7 years ago 

We must admit that we are all possesive. Be it clothes, phones or other electronic and everyday things, we take good care of things we own, isn't it? I never let my things go in the hands of even my kids because I am possessive about them and there is absolutely no harm in being possesive. Possessiveness is an inbuilt emotion and we cannot change it rather than push it deep down inside when needed.
Image source : http://bit.ly/2vgJbaA

Being possesive about things I fine, but what about partners? Would you mind if your partner would hang around with other female friends or vice versa? Absolutely yes, right. Who would want to share their partner with someone.

Possessiveness and suspicion are synonyms. Suspicion makes way for possesiveness and that draws irreparable cracks in relationships. While men and women come up with innovative ideas to keep their husbands/ wives safe from the preying eyes of the world, this man in Gujrat made jaws drop with his bizarre solutions.

The news about the Gujrati auto driver has shocked the nation. This man who was suspicious about his wife having illifit affair with random men while he was at work made him do the unthinkable. Though people didn't like his solution much and trolled him for being insensetive and anti feminist, I personally think his ideas are not what a normal individual in India would think of. He actually needs psychological treatment.

This 56 year old got his wife's two front teeth removed to ensure she didn't look appealing to the eyes of opposite sex. Did it stop there? When she just breathed a sigh of relief, he thought of another plan. He got the windows and doors of the house tinted with an opaque sheets to ensure nobody looked at her by peeping through the window while he was at work. Did he get relieved now? Not et al. He still feared for his wife's beauty and so he thought of a plan. He took his wife yo work, she was with him where ever he went. She sat besides him on the driver's seat while he drove his auto to make a living. The woman was even forced to quit her job as domestic help.

The woman didn't like a bit of how her partner behaved with her and was very depressed. She couldn't understand how to improve her condition and out of impulse one day she jumped out of the auto and ran till passerbys caught hold of her and helped her by calling on the women's helpline. The cops came right away to her rescue and took her to the counselor who counselled her and her partner. After an hour long counselling session the man undersrood his fault and promised he would change for his love than doubt her loyalty.

I wish things get better for this lady who has been living with this man for 19 years. They are live in partners and had left behind their spouses and children to be together. The woman claims that her partner was not always the same. He started suspecting her all of a sudden beginning last year.

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Good post👍👍

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