We Broke a Scammer (Total Mental Breakdown)

in indian •  6 years ago 

Hello Steemit, I am Malcolm Merlyn. As most of you are aware, there are a lot of different scammers out there, these include Nigerian prince email scammers, Indian tech support scammers, IRS scammers and others. They have been around for over 10 years now and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. After getting a lot of calls, sometimes very early in the morning I have decided enough is enough. If the government won’t shut down these pests then I will.

I created some virtual machines and started calling scammers using a fake caller ID. The calls were quite hilarious so I started uploading them on YouTube; this was great as I was raising awareness about scams while also earning money. Many other people started bothering scammers thanks to seeing my videos. Everything was going great until last year when YouTube started to demonetize videos for no apparent reason. Their annoying attempts at political correctness ruined an otherwise great platform.

Since YouTube themselves are turning into scammers I started looking for a different platform, I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered D Tube. I have a number of other prank calls I will be uploading soon. John Cena, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Duke Nukem and the Anonymous hacker group have all called the Indian scammers.

In total I have called scammers over ten thousand times in the past year and a half. I created a number of programs to annoy them including a call flooder that can call the scammers many times per minute which overloads their phones. I am currently working on a machine learning AI that can communicate with the email scammers, those thousands of Nigerian princes will soon be talking to a bot, a Russian bot.

Many people are wondering what they can do to help stop the scammers. There is a lot you can do, the easiest thing is to simply call them and waste their time. Remember to always use a fake caller ID, Fire RTC lets you do this for free. Getting scammer numbers is easy; you can get them on the scammer info website as well as on Twitter. Never let the scammers connect to your computer, create a virtual machine and only let them connect to that virtual machine.

I will be uploading new videos every day, I have done live streams in the past and I intend to keep doing them. Don’t forget to Subscribe and to upvote my videos. If you have any suggestions on what I can do please let me know by leaving a comment, I would love to start bothering those Craigslist scammers as well. You can follow me on my social media to get the latest updates on my planned streams and videos.

There are some Discord groups dedicated to shutting down scammers, feel free to join some, my favorite is the Deeveeaar discord, there is a ton of useful information there. Thank you for reading and let’s shut down some scammers together.

Malcolm Merlyn

Don’t forget to check out these awesome scambaiters: @amanda-m, @deeveeaar, @joescambait, @terrymakichut, @skeletonsyskey

Special thanks to @dtube for making this amazing platform!

▶️ DTube
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Thanks for watching everyone!

Another tremendous video, FIX IT!

Awesome video!

Robert! LOL. Great Video Malcolm

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Condom get Robert. 😂 LmLil'ao!! 👏

Poor shaun aka Robert . He got now two personalities poor chap confused . Excellent . Can you fix him .