Indian Law: In some countries, some laws have been made to work according to peace and rule. It is necessary for every citizen to follow the law of any country. Those who do not obey the law, are punished. There are also laws in India which people have to suffer due to non-adherence to them. There are some laws in every country that are not easily understood by the people there, and knowing about them for the first time seems a bit weird.
At any time the government can take over your land:
In the same way, there are many such laws in India too, which you will be surprised after hearing the first time. These laws are somewhat strange, but this is the truth. The right of a person on the land of Indian law is as long as the government wants it. If the government wants it can acquire the land of people anytime. No person can even refuse to give land to the government. However, according to the new rules, if the government acquires the land of a person, then he will have to pay compensation to that person according to the guidelines.
These Indian laws are quite upset:
You would be surprised to know that this rule was not even till some time ago, that is, the government could take your land without any damages. For this reason many times people had to suffer a lot. At the same time, there are many other awkward laws in India, very few people know about it. Once you know them you will feel weird. You may also think that this can not be right, but that is the truth. Today we are going to tell you about some of the same Indian laws.
Indian law that every citizen needs to know:
According to the Aircraft Act, 1934 'if a person wants to fly balloons and kites, he must first seek permission from the government for this. It is considered illegal to fly without permission.
According to the 'Land Acquisition Act 1894', the government can buy your land at any time without your wishing you.
The police can not cut your invoice for the same thing twice a day.
According to the Law of Women and Child Development, no single person can adopt a girl. Although he can adopt a boy.
Under 'Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956', if a married couple already has a boy, then they can not adopt any boy. The same applies to the girl's case too.
According to 'Dentist Act, 1948' it is considered illegal to remove toothpaste and to clean the ear scum. The culprit can be punished for doing so.
- Those who are from Kerala, it is very important to know this law. In Kerala, a fine of Rs 10 thousand is imposed for the third child to be born.
You must be surprised that some of these laws are violated in front of the police. But the police does not respond to it.
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