A fierce gun battle between security forces and terrorists in Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir resulted in the death of four security personnel, including an officer, on Tuesday. The encounter started on Monday evening after a joint operation was launched by the Indian Army and Jammu and Kashmir Police in the Desa forest area.
According to officials, the operation was launched based on specific intelligence inputs about the presence of terrorists in the area. The troops of Rashtriya Rifles and Special Operations Group of Jammu and Kashmir Police launched a joint cordon and search operation at Dhari Gote Urarbagi in the Desa forest area around 7:45 pm.
The exchange of fire lasted for over 20 minutes, resulting in the injuries of four Army personnel, including an officer, and one police personnel. Unfortunately, the four security personnel succumbed to their injuries on Tuesday.
The operation was ongoing, with additional troops being called in to tighten the cordon. The security forces are still searching the area to neutralize the remaining terrorists.
This incident comes in the backdrop of recent terror attacks in the Jammu region, including the terror attack at the army convoy in Kathua and encounters in Doda and Udhampur.
Key Points:
Four security personnel, including an officer, killed in gunfight with terrorists in Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir
Encounter started on Monday evening after a joint operation was launched by Indian Army and Jammu and Kashmir Police
Operation launched based on specific intelligence inputs about the presence of terrorists in the area
Four Army personnel, including an officer, and one police personnel injured in the exchange of fire
- Additional troops called in to tighten the cordon and search the area to neutralize remaining terrorists