Greetings! We are Indie Stuff: English speaking ground breaking exploring the horizons mirror of external Russian indie games community with the same name.
Our mission is to provide people with all recent news on the best indie games out there. For the time we are mostly focused on Steam available games as this market is the most broad and consumer friendly. You can expect to see news on select recent releases, latest updates and announcements of new exciting titles here. From time to time we also can branch into some other useful gaming news like spreading word on giveaways and deals, but only the most valuable ones.
This Steemit mirror is an experiment to see if our expertise will be appreciated as much as our original Russian community but oriented on the new platform and much broader audience. We hope to have an exciting time here and will see you soon!
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*Welcome to the steemit community @indiestuff.
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Welcome to Steemit, Fellow Steemian. 😃😃
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