A carbon filament compared to a human hair. image source
The scientists and engineers are continuously working to create environmentally friendly and durable technology, so that today there are many new types of technology better than ever, especially construction materials.
Some time ago, Professor Manfred Curbach has led a research on the use of carbon fiber (textile concrete) that can replace steel reinforcement as we know it today. [source]
Textile concrete actually has functions, shapes, and mixes that resemble conventional concrete, but textile concrete has many advantages and is still being refined today by the Dresden Engineering University engineers under Professor Manfred Curbach. [source]
Should we know what is concrete?
As I mentioned in the previous post, the cement that serves as a binder has long been used by humans since the time of Greece by mixing some natural materials such as lime and so forth. [source]
As in Aceh has been found several types of concrete that have long been used by local communities at that time.
Indrapatra Fort in Aceh built in the 7th century by the Lamuri kingdom, its building materials are chalk, clay, and mountain rocks.[source]
The use of modern concrete goes back to the 9th century [source] and continues to be refined to this day.
Conventional concrete has a deficiency, among others, heavier when compared to some lightweight concrete types currently developed, not strongly withstanding the tensile load and it is difficult to change its shape if it has hardened.
Because of the deficiency, concrete finally combined with reinforcement, reinforcement can withstand several types of moments/forces/loads and retain concrete that previously could not be overcome by concrete only, a combination of concrete and iron rods called reinforced concrete
Actually to get good concrete you have to pay attention to some factors like.
- Quality of material
- Age of concrete
- Aggregate mix
- And various other external factors.
Iron reinforcement itself is an innovation in the world of construction discovered in 1850 by Joseph Monier and Joseph Lambot [source], the iron reinforcement continues to be refined to the way we know it today.
Reinforced concrete also has flaws, among them. [source]
- Has low power/tensile force.
- Not saving time (workmanship and age of concrete)
- Quality depends on who makes
- Weight
- Requires regular maintenance
- Not environmentally friendly (chemical reaction to cement triggers the release of CO2)
Another disadvantage that is very disturbing is, reinforcing steel will corrosion and disrupt the function of a building structure if a concrete does not blanket the reinforcement perfectly.
We have seen and been concerned about some of the earthquakes that have occurred some time ago. The earthquake has destroyed many buildings even many people lost their lives also other losses, why?.
As I mentioned above, the quality of reinforced concrete is highly dependent on the manufacturer (worker) so that there may be a column of your home done by another inexperienced worker, the weight factor of a concrete also affects a strength of a structure itself, in other words, if a beam having a larger dimension does not guarantee the strength of a concrete is good when compared with smaller-dimensional beams but done by trained workers.
To mitigate these adverse impacts, scientists and engineers led by professor Manfred Curbach eventually created a new better-known concrete innovation, a "textile concrete" or concrete that uses and carbon as a reinforcement.

Textile concrete. image source
"Textile concrete is made of normal concrete and as an amplifier used carbon. The difference is of steel concrete, no steel that can rust but carbon that is not threatened by corrosion. "Professor Manfred Curbach [source]
The fiber used is a type of carbon that is 10 times thinner than a human hair [source], the carbon fibers are then arranged to form more than 230 coils using a special machine. [source]
The carbon fiber that has formed a coil is then coated with a certain material to produce rigid carbon fibers, coils that have been formed into tissue and then cut to be applied to the concrete layer. [source]
Textile concrete is believed to have a strength of 6 times better than conventional reinforcing concrete, textile concrete also has other advantages, which can be formed thinner than conventional reinforced concrete. Textile concrete is also considered more environmentally friendly because it produces only a small amount of CO2. [source]
Because the excess of textile concrete that can be formed is very thin and light, making the textile concrete has another function, which can be used to make furniture, such as chairs and tables that previously could not be obtained from conventional concrete. [source]
Textile concrete can be easily applied and only takes a relatively shorter time than conventional concrete.
Concrete as a forming of structural elements has long been used by humans, one of which is a fort built by the Lamuri kingdom in Aceh in the 7th century.
Due to some adverse factors resulting from the impact of conventional reinforced concrete use, scientists are constantly innovating to create more environmentally-friendly concrete.
One of them is textile concrete. Textile concrete is considered an alternative construction material that has many advantages even more environmentally friendly. Textile concrete uses carbon fiber as a reinforcement to replace the reinforcing steel currently used on conventional reinforced concrete.
The results of laboratory tests say the textile concrete is able to withstand loads 6 times better than conventional concrete.
Currently, textile concrete is still being refined so it could be for several years ahead, textile concrete able to shift the conventional reinforced concrete.

Sehelai filamen karbon dibandingkan dengan rambut manusia. image source
Para ilmuan dan insinyur saat ini terus berupaya menciptakan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan dan awet, sehingga saat ini telah banyak jenis teknologi baru yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya khususnya material konstruksi.
Beberapa waktu yang lalu, Profesor Manfred Curbach telah memimpin sebuah riset mengenai penggunaan serta karbon (beton tekstil) yang mampu menggantikan tulangan baja seperti yang kita kenal saat ini. [source]
Beton teksil sebenarnya memiliki fungsi, bentuk dan campuran yang menyerupai beton konvensional, hanya saja beton tekstil memiliki banyak keunggulan dan masih terus disempurnakan saat ini oleh para insinyur Universitas Teknik Dresden yang dipimpin oleh Profesor Manfred Curbach. [source]
Sebaiknya kita mengenal apa itu beton?
Seperti yang telah saya sebutkan pada postingan sebelumnya, bahwa semen yang berfungsi sebagai pengikat telah lama digunakan oleh manusia sejak zaman Yunani dengan mencampur beberapa material alami seperti kapur dan lain sebagainya. [source]
Di Aceh sendiri telah ditemukan beberapa jenis beton yang telah lama digunakan oleh masyarakat setempat pada masa itu.
Benteng Indrapatra di Aceh yang dibangun pada abad ke-7 oleh kerajaan Lamuri, bahan bangunannya berupa kapur, tanah liat, dan batu gunung. [source]
Penggunaan beton secara modern dimulai sejak abad ke 9 [source] dan terus disempurnakan hingga saat ini.
Beton konvensional memiliki kekurangan, diantaranya, berat, tidak kuat menahan beban tarik dan sulit untuk merubah bentuknya jika telah mengeras.
Karena kekurangan tersebut akhirnya beton dipadukan dengan besi tulangan, besi tulangan dapat menahan beberapa jenis momen/gaya/beban serta menahan beton yang sebelumnya tidak mampu di atasi oleh beton, perpaduan beton dan batang besi disebut beton bertulang.
Sebenarnya untuk memperoleh beton yang baik anda harus memperhatikan beberapa faktor seperti.
- Kualitas material
- Umur beton
- Campuran agregat
- Dan berbagai faktor eksternal lainnya.
Besi tulangan sendiri merupakan sebuah inovasi pada dunia konstruksi yang ditemukan pada tahun 1850 oleh Joseph Monier dan Joseph Lambot [source], besi tulangan tersebut terus disempurnakan hingga seperti yang kita kenal hari ini.
Beton bertulang memiliki kekurangan diantaranya. [source]
- Memiliki daya tarik yang rendah.
- Tidak hemat waktu (pengerjaan dan umur beton)
- Kualitas tergantung yang membuat
- Berat
- Membutuhkan perawatan rutin
- Tidak ramah lingkungan (reaksi kimia terhadap semen memicu lepasnya CO2)
Kekurangan lainnya yang sangat mengganggu adalah, besi tulangan akan korosi dan mengganngu fungsi struktur bangunan jika beton tidak menyelimuti tulangan dengan sempurna.
Kita telah melihat dan prihatin pada beberapa bencana gempa yang telah terjadi beberapa waktu yang lalu. Gempa telah menghancurkan banyak bangunan bahkan banyak orang kehilangan nyawa dan kerugian lainnya, mengapa?.
Seperti yang telah saya sebut diatas, kualitas beton bertulang sangat tergantung pada pembuatnya sehingga bisa saja ada sebuah kolom dirumah anda dikerjakan oleh orang lain yang tidak berpengalaman, faktor berat beton juga mempengaruhi kekuatan struktur itu sendiri dengan kata lain, jika sebuah balok memiliki dimensi yang lebih besar tidak menjamin kekuatan beton tersebut baik jika dibandingkan dengan balok yang berdimensi lebih kecil tetapi dikerjakan oleh pekerja terlatih.
Untuk mengurangi dampak buruk tersebut, akhirnya ilmuan dan insinyur yang dipimpin oleh profesor Manfred Curbach menciptakan sebuah inovasi beton berulang terbaru yang dianggap lebih baik, ialah “beton tekstil” atau beton yang menggunakan serta karbon sebagai tulangan.

Beton tekstil. image source
”Beton tekstil terbuat dari beton normal dan sebagai penguat digunakan karbon. Bedanya dengan beton baja, tidak ada baja yang bisa berkarat melainkan karbon yang tidak terancam korosi." profesor Manfred Curbach. [source]
Serat yang digunakan merupakan serta jenis karbon yang berukuran 10 kali lebih tipis dari rambut manusia [source], serat-serat karbon tersebut kemudian disusun membentuk lebih dari 230 kumparan menggunakan mesin khusus. [source]
Serat karbon yang telah membentuk kumparan kemudian dilapisi dengan material tertentu untuk menghasilkan serat karbon yang kaku, kumparan yang telah dibentuk menjadi jejaring kemudian dipotong agar bisa diaplikasikan pada lapisan beton. [source]
Beton tekstil dipercaya memiliki kekuatan 6 kali lebih baik dibanding beton tulangan konvensional, beton tekstil juga memiliki kelebihan lain, yaitu dapat dibentuk lebih tipis dibanding beton bertulang konvensional. Beton tekstil juga dianggap lebih ramah lingkungan karena hanya memproduksi sedikit CO2. [source]
Karena kelebihan beton tekstil yang dapat dibentuk sangat tipis dan ringan, membuat beton tekstil memiliki fungsi lain yaitu dapat digunakan untuk membuat perabot, seperti kursi dan meja yang sebelumnya tidak dapat diperoleh dari beton konvensional. [source]
Beton tekstil dapat dengan mudah diaplikasikan dan hanya membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lebih singkat dibanding beton konvensional.
Beton sebagai pembentuk elemen struktur telah lama digunakan oleh manusia, salah satunya benteng yang dibangun oleh kerajaan Lamuri di Aceh pada abad ke 7.
Karena beberapa faktor yang merugikan akibat dampak penggunaan beton bertulang konvensional menyebabkan para ilmuan terus berinovasi untuk menciptakan beton yang lebih ramah lingkungan dan kokoh.
Salah satunya adalah beton tekstil, beton tekstil dianggap alternatif material konstruksi yang memiliki banyak kelebihan bahkan lebih ramah lingkungan. Beton tekstil menggunakan serat karbon sebagai tulangan menggantikan besi tulangan yang saat ini digunakan pada beton bertulang konvensional.
Hasil uji laboratorium menyebutkan, beton tekstil mampu menahan beban 6 kali lebih baik dibanding beton konvensional.
Saat ini beton tekstil masih terus disempurnakan sehingga bisa saja untuk beberapa tahun kedepan beton tekstil mampu menggeser beton bertulang konvensional.
This is the only thing I can write on this occasion, over all the mistakes and lack of unintentional writing as a servant of God, I apologize.
Thanks to friends who have visited this blog and provided constructive comments, as well as scientists who are willing to sacrifice their time for a better civilization.
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BEST REGARDS @kharrazi
My understanding is that concrete has a significant negative impact on the climate, so we're in need of environmentally friendly alternatives. Hopefully the technology mentioned in this article will gain enough popularity to reduce or eliminate the use of concrete.
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I hope so :)
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Now it's my turn to teach you a word in Italian: Bravo! (Well Done!!)
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would be cool if I could speak italian
I would say it myself in Italian language like "please give me a piece of pizza", write a letter to my lover and so forth
it's very amazing I think :)
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ahahah if in doubt just wave your hands and shout "PIZZA!" they will be able to guess what you want :) But if you want to be polite you can say "Mi dai un pezzo di pizza per favore?". I used to work in a multi-cultural laboratory, my rule was that every day I had to learn a new word in another language, it was fun especially when when in turn others wanted to learn italian, often I had to teach some chinese students how to sing Italian Opera, it was hilarious! :)
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Wow, I think you are a patient person :)
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I heard hand to mouth gesture in Italy means fuck you? Is that right?
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ahahha don't listen to Russel Peters :) it means "what do you want?" :)
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You already know! HA! Good to know.
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Good information...
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That Absolutely Great tutorials info. I like to know the mixing level of concrete that for 50 year
durability. I am being build my house at panggoi mountain. I need your more advice. By the way the concrete from the duck egg or and chicken egg would be attention for the future concrete model.... seriously bro, I thinks lot about that. Good luck bro and have fun forever. Do not forgot to sleep until NREM/n4 (sleep well like baby) so, do not forgot to wakeup. chao.
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Yea, using eggs as a cement substitute has long been done by humans, it's just that I'm not sure, how many eggs are needed to produce 1m3 of concrete :)
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I am learnig a lot from your post,,,,thanks a lot
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my pleasure if my post usefull to you
thanks for read it :)
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Nice one...
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