
in indoctrination •  7 years ago 

I saw this program on Dutch (Holland) TV about young people having "burnouts". One of the interviwed girls was walking around with a donkey. I still remember how it was being young, starting to see how crazy this world really is. If you just look for a job you will be used as a slave, getting a shit salary, fighting 8 hours per day, maybe another 90 min. travel and basically nothing more than survival is what you get for it. We are supposed to think that is normal and wait until we can get a promotion after being a submissive slave for a year or to. It is horrible ruthlessness built into the system and we realize it once we start to work. As long as you are a student you might avoid this insight. But you know, it is difficult to be a student for a lifetime.

There is no god and there is certainly no justice or fairness coming from the government (or from their bosses in large companies and large banks). Instead there is a ruthless system, ruled by bankers and a military industrial complex, indoctrinating you from young age, through school and mainstream media, telling you that the government, the big companies and the big banks are supposed to rule the world and that you will be liked by them if you are a submissive slave.

Big Brother early informs young people that they are not supposed to have ideas, opinions or at all think for themselves. If you do, you will be punished, and you will certainly not get what all people should have the right to have, just by existing: The right to put up a little IKEA-house for 800 euro and 250 m2 land (more than enough to survive on, as long as you find enough water). Without working, just growing food. That's things actually giving young poor people something and it gives  a chance to save money. But you see, actually helping people is unthinkable for governmental tax-collectors: They are going to force you to pay money to them, work hard for almost nothing  and to be a submissive slave. It is way beyond criminal that poor people with nothing are forced to pay taxes on food they buy and the forced into paying at least 3-400 euro/dollar for roof over their heads! Criminality and blackmailing is what to expect from governments, falshe indoctrination and fake news is what to expect from school/universities/mainstream media as the owners and controllers of the system wants that: Who is that? It is the (owners of the megabanks, multinational companies, especially the owners of big oiland the US military industrial complex.  

Thats just the beginning of the evilness in our societies. Go to alternative media and you have hope to actually learn something about it and solutions! The Dutch TV program I mentioned showed one after another of young depressed people who said exactly how it is: Who the hell know what they want to do in the future working life when you are 16 or 18 years old? Almost no one at all! Then they asked questions: Why am I supposed to go in school? Does it make me happy? Does it give me a job I will like? Enormous pressure is put on young peoples shoulders to master this and that, make this or that exam. 

I recommend "the best of / with George Carlin" on youtube. He was a fantastically talented comedian who said how it was: Bullshit! That what this system is. It is a fraud, it is slavery, it is misstreatment of ordinary people  in gigantic scale. Most wild animals live far less as slaves compared to 80-90 % of humans. Elks do not have to pay rent or work 4 month per year just to be able to pay taxes that governments force them to pay. They simply eat and live in the woods. Many wild animals spend much more time with their families than humans have a chance to do. 

Why does USA (often using NATO) carry  out perpetual wars at the same time as they have 20 trillon dollar in debt to banks? It is fairly obvious that it is because the system is ruled by completely ruthless psychopaths searching for big money and power like sharks go for blood. That in turn  depends on early childhood/babyhood trauma and repressed pains. The manifestations of such pains are depressions, fobias, obsessions, psychopathy and drugs all over the place.. So let us start to take good, good care of our young people with lots of time, lots of body contact, lots of love. 

What to do? Leave the system as much as possible, move to another country if neccesary: Governments and large banks/companies are not there to protect you or do you good: They want your money and slavery, that's it.  Build your (peaceful) networks, vote with your wallet, use cryptocurrencies, grow lots of your ownn food if you have time and possibility, do'nt believe a word the system tells you. Education?? Read and see alternative media + contacts and life - that is the best education. 

No solutions whatsoever are to be found within the prostitute mainstream! Not in media, not in medicin or psychology  and certainly not in school or universities. So young people: Do'nt be fooled into political correctness or to be praised for being "modern". The Swedish horror-state is the model for psychotic Orwellian brainwashing: Chip-inplants (see youtube about Nic Rockefeller and the "elite-agenda"!), cashless society, robot-like public transportation and well planned invasion from the middle east, Africa, Pakistan, Afganistan in order to destroy functioning societies (divide/destroy the functioning middle-class and rule). Check what is done in Sweden and go for the opposite - should be a new golden rule!

That was my reflections for today



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Ivr also came to the majority of those realizations. it kinda sucks sometimes to know all we know.

Our world is very messed up and very backwards.

Keep speaking your truths man everyone needs to hear this kinda stuff.