Simply gratefulness grieving

in indonesevery •  7 years ago 


Simpang keuramat, a sub-district within the district of North Aceh. About 10 Km from Lhokseumawe City pass through the cage, Alue lim. That afternoon I just arrived in the garden around the area Transat Simpang Keuramat. Not long ago around 15:10 wib came the sound of explosions interlocked from a distance, followed by a very steaming smoke dikejauhan. It turned out to have been investigated, there has been a fire in Keude Simpang Keuramat. Ancient wooden buildings Burned. Nearly 58 houses were consumed in red sijago. Sobs are muttering from the people whose keudenya are on fire.
Simpang keuramat grieve, hopefully affected by the calamity remains steadfast and approaching himself to Allah SWT.

Simpang keuramat berduka

Simpang keuramat, sebuah kecamatan dalam wilayah Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Lebih kurang 10 Km dari Kota Lhokseumawe melewati kandang, Alue lim. Siang itu saya baru saja sampai di kebun di seputaran daerah Transat Simpang Keuramat. Tidak lama berselang sekitaran pukul 15.10 wib terdengar bunyi ledakan saling bersautan dari kejauhan, diikuti oleh asap mengepul sangat pekat dikejauhan. Ternyata selidik punya selidik, telah terjadi kebakaran di keude Simpang Keuramat. Bangunan kayu zaman dulu Terbakar. Hampir 58 keude habis dilalap sijago merah. Isak tangis saling bersahutan dari masyarakat yang keudenya terbakar.
Simpang keuramat berduka, semoga yang terkena musibah tetap tabah dan semakin mendekati diri kepada Allah SWT.

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