The Story of Youth and the Apam

in indonesi •  6 years ago 

Kisah Pemuda dan Kue Apam


In ancient times there was once a young Acehnese who was eager to know the fate of the people in the grave, especially about the questions posed by the angels Munkar and Nankir and punishment if unable to answer their questions. Later, the young man pretended to be dead and buried alive. After his body was buried, then came the two angels and asked questions about religion and charity. Unable to answer as well as his practice is very little then the angels start hitting him with flaming whips. However, the blows did not hit him, because there was something he could not see clearly in the dark and had a moonlike shape as if protecting him from an angel's blow.

Pada jaman dahulu pernah ada seorang pemuda Aceh yang ingin sekali mengetahui nasib orang di dalam kubur, terutama tentang pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh malaikat Munkar dan Nankir dan hukuman jika tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan mereka. Kemudian, pemuda tersebut berpura-pura mati dan dikubur hidup-hidup. Setelah jenazahnya dikubur, kemudian datang kedua malaikat tersebut dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang agama dan amalnya. Karena tidak bisa menjawab serta amalannya sangat sedikit maka malaikat mulai memukulnya dengan sebat berap. Akan tetapi, pukulan-pukulan itu tidak mengenainya, sebab ada sesuatu yang tidak dapat dilihatnya dengan jelas dalam kegelapan dan mempunyai bentuk seperti bulan seolah-olah melindunginya dari pukulan malaikat.

After trying hard, he managed to get out of the narrow tomb and immediately went home to meet his family. What a surprise when all the family members saw him live again. Narrated his purpose to pretend to die and his experience when visited by angels. He wondered what was the cause that helped him from angel fire, a moon shaped shield. However, by the time he returns home, the family he left behind is making a cake for the feast, then rest assured he is a round cake that is shaped like a moon that shields from an angel's blow.

Setelah berusaha sekuat tenaga, ia berhasil keluar dari kubur yang sempit dan segera pulang ke rumah menemui keluarganya. Alangkah terkejut anggota keluarga ketika melihatnya hidup kembali. Diceritakanlah tujuannya berpura-pura mati serta pengalamannya ketika didatangi malaikat. Ia penasaran apa penyebab yang menolongnya dari sebatan api malaikat, sejenis perisai berbentuk bulan. Namun, pada saat ia kembali ke rumah, keluarga yang ditinggalkannya sedang membuat kue apam untuk kenduri, maka yakinlah dia kue apam tersebut yang berbentuk bundar seperti bulan yang jadi perisai dari pukulan malaikat.


Most of the Acehnese belief that the cake of apam has a good effect on the fate of family members who have died. The young man's story became the origin of the Acehnese people making the cake and distributing it as a thorn in the month of Rajab every year Hijriah, for the sake of their ancestors and family members who have died. These habits, generally carried out by the people of Aceh, although recently reduced. Every house, on one of the days of Rajab, people make famous cakes of rice flour and coconut milk, split round shape and brought to meunasah or mosque as a feast. Sometimes as many as 100 pieces of cake apam stacked on a tray and sauce almost a bucket called kuah tuhè consisting of coconut milk, sugar and eggs shaken.

Sebagian besar keyakinan masyarakat Aceh bahwa kue apam berpengaruh baik terhadap nasib anggota keluarga yang telah meninggal. Cerita pemuda tersebut menjadi asal mula masyarakat Aceh membuat kue apam dan membagikannya sebagai kanduri dalam bulan Rajab setiap tahun Hijriah, demi leluhur dan anggota keluarga mereka yang sudah meninggal. Kebiasaan tersebut, secara umum dilaksanakan masyarakat Aceh walaupun akhir-akhir ini semakin berkurang. Setiap rumah, pada salah satu hari di bulan Rajab, orang membuat kue yang terkenal dari tepung beras dan santan, bentuk bulat gepeng dan dibawa ke meunasah atau masjid sebagai kenduri. Terkadang sebanyak 100 buah kue apam ditumpuk di atas nampan serta saus hampir satu ember yang dinamakan kuah tuhè yang terdiri dari santan, gula dan telur dikocok.

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I tried appam when I lived in Mumbai, India. It was one of my favourite dish. I didn't know it could be found even in other countries as a traditional dish

You are right, apam comes from India, here apam more made in Pidië, which is one of the densely populated by the descendants of India. And there are Indian specialties that are often made in Aceh and also include traditional foods such as Kanji and Cané.

I knew that they are mostly made in South India, especially in the state of Kerala.

Because the people of Aceh are of Indian descent, so traditional Indian food is also a traditional Aceh food, especially Indian descent.

Dulu pesta kue apam di bulan rajab jadi tradisi adat di Aceh, sekarang sudah jarang sekali......

Iya, padahal biasanya bulan Rajab kita tidak perlu makan nasi, ka tro ngon apam😀

Aceh memang kaya dengan adat perekat sosial antar sesama.

Karena banyak kenduri barang kali tgk, dengan kenduri persaudaraan semakin erat😊

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