in indonesia-bireuen •  7 years ago  (edited)



Seller fish tour is very helpful to other communities in
the district, And there are poor people there are poor.

Difference fish sellers in the market with the traveling salesman.

In the market of each visiting community can not be indebted, Except a regular subscription.

The traveling salesman helps the poor.

Penjual ikan keliling sangat membantu masyarakat lain dalam kecamatan, Dan masyarakat ada yang kaya dan ada miskin.

Perbedaan penjual ikan di pasar dengan penjual ikan keliling.
Di pasar tiap-tiap masyarakat yang berkunjung tidak boleh berhutang, Kecuali langganan tetap.

Penjual keliling membatu masyarakat miskin.

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