♨ Gluttonous Politician : Politikus Rakus

in indonesia •  7 years ago 


Aceh, The massive corrupt behavior of politicians in my homeland gives the impression that political parties are not serious about eradicating corruption, and even tend to give the green light to corrupt as long as they are not caught. If caught, the party will let go of the hand. Is it possible that the corrupt funds of the "party officers" to the billions only enjoyed themselves and did not flow to their employers? It seems impossible. The state budget has become a brave of greedy politicians. Ah, I'm a headache thinking about my beloved place.


Aceh, Massifnya prilaku koruptif dari politikus di tanah kelahiranku memberi kesan bahwa partai politik tidak serius memberantas korupsi, bahkan cenderung memberi lampu hijau untuk melakukan korupsi selama tidak ketahuan. Jika ketahuan, partai akan berlepas tangan. Apa mungkin dana yg dikorupsi si "petugas partai" sampai milyar-an hanya dinikmati sendiri dan tidak mengalir ke majikannya? Rasanya tidak mungkin. APBN sudah menjadi bancakan para politikus rakus. Ah, entah lah pusing kepala mikirin tempat ku tercinta ini.


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