Strategic Options
The choice of implementing the Minerba Act also contains risks. It is estimated to potentially reduce state revenues by around Rp 10 trillion from taxes, royalties, and export duties. The threat of termination of employment (PHK) in the mining sector and reduced multiplier effect of discontinued export activity. The option of delaying a 3-year export ban on raw minerals is not impossible to use by mining companies to spur minerals exports whose minerals have been reduced.
If exports of land and water continue to be done for the sake of the acquisition of foreign exchange, the vision to form energy security and energy barn becomes illusory. How to fill the barn if all have been exported and not impossible we become a net importer of the world's essential minerals. That means we again repeat the tragedy in the national oil industry in 2009. Our oil reserves are always considered a lot and dig new sources until production continues to fall.
Up to the point of nadir and Indonesia out of OPEC (2009), the year of the issuance of Law no. 4/2009 on Minerba. The shift and / or revision of the priority scale of long-term strategic program also impedes the achievement of energy security towards the establishment of the national energy barn. An important vision to support national development in particular increases the value added of national export products. The process of rising class of export commodity quality is not easy because it needs capital and infrastructure of mutual support, strong, and integrated.