
in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)



Surely you often hear the name of Maggis mangosteen has a sweet taste so many people who love it, the condition of the mangosteen when it is ripe, the skin is purple and reddish purple and occasionally brown, while the contents are white, because that is the fruit is popular with many people.

Mangosteen fruit is also rich in vitamins, namely:

  • vitamin b1
  • vitamin b2
  • vitamin C
  • calcium
  • sodium
  • potassium
  • and iron

* consume the mangosteen fruit every day to make our life healthier *


Pasti anda sering mendengar yang namanya manggis Maggis memiliki rasa yang manis sehingga banyak orang yang menyukainya, keadaan buah manggis saat sudah masak, kulitnya berwarna ungu kemerahan dan sesekali kecoklatan, sementara isinya berwarna putih, karna itulah buah ini digemari banyak orang.

Buah Manggis juga kaya akan vitamin, yaitu :

  • vitamin b1
  • vitamin b2
  • vitamin c
  • kalsium
  • sodium
  • potassium
  • dan zat besi

*konsumsilah buah manggis setiap hari agar hidup kita lebih sehat*
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Amazing fruit

Thank's you